Assistant Principal's Page

Robyn Petty

Melbourne Cup Trifecta Fundraiser:  With only a few days to go before the Melbourne Cup race, you don't have long to get your trifecta tickets for a chance to win $2500 cash!!  Each year this fundraiser brings in needed funds for the school to use for playground equipment, classroom and tech resources.  For only $1 a ticket, the children get the benefit, and you get the chance to bring home some great money!!  There are still tickets available from the Front Office.  Get in quick before they are all sold out!!  Good luck!


Welcome Miss Angela Nicholson:  This week we welcome Miss Angela Nicholson to our school.  Miss Nicholson is completing her final practicum placement before becoming a fully qualified teacher!  Miss Nicholson is working with Ms Sharyn Fitzgerald and Year 4B for most of this term.  We are delighted to have Angela with us.


NAIDOC Week:  I join with Mrs Flynn on congratulating all those who were involved in the amazing NAIDOC events last week.  I am so proud of our students and the enthusiasm they showed in all the NAIDOC events. Ms Leonard and her troop of helpers enabled so many of our students to participate in a large variety of events in different capacities throughout the week. Well done and thank you to all!


Dance Fuse:  This week we welcome the girls from the Dance Fuse Team as they work with all students throughout this week.  This dance program aligns with our syllabus outcomes in both PD/Health/PE as well as Creative Arts.  We are always grateful to have Dance Fuse join us each year and give the students such a wonderful opportunity to learn movements and routines from such experienced professionals.


New Syllabus Preparation - HSIE  Over the past two weeks, our staff have been involved in Professional Learning with members of the Catholic Education Office in Bathurst, to become familiar with one of the new Syllabi that will become mandatory within the next two years.  Under the name of HSIE, this syllabus consists of both History and Geography.  Although many of the topics as similar in the new syllabus, there is a significant change in the grades that students will be exposed to this content.  There is also a much more significant move towards providing opportunities for this curriculum to complement the English and Maths syllabi.  More information will be available as we prepare to introduce this curriculum.


Orienteering - Year 6: Each year we are grateful to  the Orange Goldseekers Orienteering Sports club for coming to McAuley and taking our Year 6 students through a series of different Orienteering skills.  These wonderful people come to McAuley several times to work with our students.  The skills they learn are invaluable!  We thank the members of the Goldseekers for their generosity in sharing their talents with our Year 6 students.


Kindergarten 2025:  It is almost time for our new Kinders to come along to McAuley for their Orientation mornings.  Starting on 15th November, our new Kindies will join us from 9.30-11am to start the process of becoming familiar with big school.  There will be three Friday mornings that our new Kindies will join us, 15th, 22nd and 29th November.  We look forward to having another generation of McAuley children join the Family.


Have a great week!

Robyn Petty

Assistant Principal