Education in Faith

Feast of Christ the King
The Feast of Christ the King is celebrated this coming Sunday, 24th November and marks the end of the liturgical year. The following week is the first week of Advent, the new liturgical year begins with the Season of Advent.
This feast invites us to celebrate that Jesus Christ has come. Jesus Christ is coming. Jesus Christ will come again. Jesus Christ is Lord of All. Jesus was not an earthly king with a palace and fancy crown but rather the king of peace, kindness and love. We build God’s kingdom by our daily actions of prayer, kindness and generosity.
Mini Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Advent begins next on Sunday 1st December. We are starting up our Mini Vinnies Christmas Appeal next week!
Like every Advent season, we are again being asked to be people of action and help families within our Epping community have a joyful Christmas this year. We have 24 families that we are helping.
We are asking each home group, staff and the SMCM community to contribute to a hamper for the St Vincent de Paul Society. We are looking for donations of food, toiletries and/ or gifts for those who would be doing it tough at Christmas. Each homegroup has been allocated an anonymous family.
Education in Faith Leader