Principal's News

Dear SMCM Community, Wominjeka!
Thank you to all the families who came down to Bunnings on Sunday to support our fundraising BBQ! It was great to see so many families enjoying their weekend as a family and supporting our school. Thank you to the parents who volunteered to cook and serve on the day. A special thanks to Kristie, our Community and Family Engagement Leader, who always ensures our community events run smoothly.
2025 Homegroup Names
Each year at this time we invite families to make suggestions for the next year's homegroup names. In the spirit of this year's theme of Reimagining we have decided that moving forward in 2025 and the future our homegroup names will remain the same each year with the themes for each level reflecting our school, catholic identity and previous homegroup names. In 2025, and future years the Senior homegroups will be named for leaders in the Catholic Church in Australia; the Middle homegroups will be named for the values and dispositions of St Mary MacKillop; the Junior homegroups will be named for our school history and envrionment; and the Prep homegroups will be named for local animals in the Woiwurrung language of the Wurundjeri people. We look forward to sharing the final names with our community later in the year.
School Advisory Council
On Tuesday evening we held our final School Advisory Council Meeting for the 2024 school year. At this meeting I presented the 2024 financial data for our school. The following Principal's Report was also presented:
I extend my thanks to the following parents who have been members of our council this year: Angela Conversano, Maxine Pretty, Lauren Morrone, Silvia Menelaou, Rebecca Amore, Katina Aspridisand Sharuen Quek.
Congratulations to Noor, Rafe, Randi (Esposito homegroup) and Andro on the birth of your new baby boy Mateo this week.