Student Awards



Responsible, Resilient, Respectful





Prep GZac ResponsibleZac has demonstrated  amazing responsible learner qualities this week. He has continuously shown his ability to be a great role model for other students and is always looking to support his teachers and community. Well done, Zac!
Prep VHarveyResilientHarvey has shown great resilience this week during the new Prep and Junior literacy rotations. He has adjusted to the new routine well and shows enthusiasm when heading off to a different classroom, ready for his learning. Keep up the great work Harvey!
Junior AAmelieResponsibleShowing your outstanding responsible learner qualities throughout all of our concert rehearsals. Amelie you have worked so hard to learn all of the moves and I can always count on you in our rehearsals to guide your peers when needed. Well done Amelie for being a fantastic leader in our classroom!
Junior GLucas Resilient Lucas has been the definition of resilient as he has navigated set backs during his recovery process. You have maintained a positive can do attitude and you have been an inspiration to your peers. Despite the set backs you enter the classroom with a beaming smile everyday. Junior G can’t wait to celebrate your full recovery and hear about your first soccer game back! 
Middle MBiagioResponsibleBiagio has shown outstanding responsibility by reflecting on our morning in-class concert practices and providing feedback to improve both his own and the group’s performance. His efforts to ensure a cohesive and unified performance demonstrate strong leadership and teamwork skills. Well done, Biagio!
Middle TChris ResponsibleChris has had a fantastic start to the term. He has shown responsibility in both his learning and in the ways he has helped his classmates and teachers. Through great focus, practice and determination, he has achieved his goal of editing his written work independently. It has been a delight to see Chris work with others in a responsible manner during group work tasks. Keep up the great work Chris!
Middle JMila responsible You have had amazing start to Term 4 where you have shined as a responsible learner. You handle independent tasks with efficiency and determination while also working fabulously as a collaborator. It’s great to see you take such a mature approach to learning. Well done Mila!
Senior BDamian ResponsibleFor showing great responsibility during our senior school concert rehearsals. Your dedication and commitment have been truly inspiring. You have consistently set a great example by showing maturity, focus, and a strong sense of accountability. I have loved watching you channel your inner ‘Backstreet Boy’.
Senior OFreya  ResponsibleFor the responsible attitude you take towards your learning and your position of leadership. You are a valued leader of the S.R.C. who sets a wonderful example to other students, carrying ut jobs with diligence and care. Your commitment to learning, particularly in Literacy, this term has been outstanding. Keep up the amazing efforts Freya!
Visual ArtsEli ResponsibleEli has made a fabulous start to Term 4 in the Art Room. He is a responsible learner because he always listens carefully to the class instructions and last week created some still-life magic all on his own. Keep up with your focus and independence Eli- these are great qualities to have as a learner!   
Performing ArtsNoah RResponsibleFor the commitment, hard work and incredible dedication you have shown during preparations for our school concert. It has been a joy seeing your infectious energy motivate those around you. Thank you for your outstanding leadership, Noah! 
Maths ExtensionLuca ResilientLuca showing great grit and determination as well as plenty of creative thinking and thinking outside the ‘box’ during our last Maths Extension session. Luca did not give up. He persevered and didn’t let any setbacks or signs of frustration interfere with his goal of solving the complex worded problems he was working on. Well done Luca.



Curios, Determined, Self-aware, Creative, Collaborative, Proactive






Student NameAwardReason
Prep GGreta DeterminedGreta has shown her determination to meet her learning goals over the past few weeks in all areas of her learning. She has settled in well to school this year and is ready for new challenges. What amazing progress, Greta!
Prep VGianaCreative Giana showed great enthusiasm and confidence during our school concert last week. She cheered on her peers and it was great to see all her hard work and practise pay off. Your dedication and creative attitude towards the show was an asset to your performance. Well done Giana!
Junior AAkivaCurious

For your focused learning in Inquiry this term. Akiva you have shown a fantastic interest in our topic ‘Biological Science’ over the last few weeks and asked insightful questions when discussing what living things need to survive. Well done Akiva! Keep up the great work.


Junior GSophie Collaborative Sophie showed great leadership and collaboration during our school concert last week. She took great initiative when we had to make minor changes the day of the show and she remained calm and confident. It was so great to see her enjoy the process and shine on stage. Keep it up, Sophie :) 
Middle MFlynnCollaborativeFlynn has shown fantastic responsibility as our class timekeeper, using his desktop timer to help us stay on track and make the most of our learning time. His organisational skills ensure that every minute of our lessons is used effectively. Fantastic job, Flynn!
Middle TJoumanaCollaborativeJoumana has been a terrific team player. She always includes others in activities and is quick to remember instructions and provide assistance to others. It has been wonderful to see her budding leadership skills both on the stage and in the classroom. Keep it up Joumana!
Middle JSunnyProactive For the amazing job you do at taking charge of your learning! You are always prepared to begin a lesson and organise your learning space with fantastic efficiency. It’s great to see how ready you are to dive in and get the most out of each lesson. Thank you for having such a positive approach to learning! Well done Sunny!
Senior BJoey CreativeFor your incredible performance as one of our Backstreet Boys in our History Repeating concert. You were so dedicated to the performance with your facial expressions, lines and dance moves, in particular your commitment to an American accent! Awesome work, Joey!
Senior OPascal DeterminedFor showing incredible perseverance and focus throughout our multiplication and division unit. Your dedication to mastering challenging concepts, even while balancing your role as a lead in the school production, has been admirable! You’ve proven that hard work and commitment lead to success, and we are so proud of your achievements both in the classroom and on stage.
Visual ArtsWhole school collaborative For the exceptional team work, grit and enthusiasm you all showed during our History Repeating production. It was an exceptional show, led by our exceptional Ms Jac and brought to life by all of our exceptional St. Joey’s students. 
Performing ArtsWhole SchoolCreative Superstar AwardFor the incredible enthusiasm, energy, commitment & joy you brought to the stage during “HISTORY REPEATING”. I, along with the audience, was blown away by your teamwork and talent. What an amazing example of what we can achieve when we support each other, work together and HAVE FUN! I am so incredibly proud of you, St Joseph’s! 
Maths ExtensionLiam CuriousApplying himself so fully and enthusiastically to complicated worded problems based on problems from previous Maths OlympiadTests. Liam demonstrated great determination, curiosity and inquisitiveness as well as a willingness to test his conjectures and take ‘calculated risks’ when not completely sure. 


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