Parents and Friends Group

Art Show - hot dog stall
The Parents and Friends Group would like to thank everyone who came and supported our stall on Thursday 24th October at the art show. It was lots of fun and many hot dogs were bought. A huge thank you to Brooke one of our volunteers for Parents and Friends, who donated the items for our lucky dips which were much loved by the children. We are also truly thankful for those that gave their time to come and assist at the stall, especially the teachers who came and helped.
Annual Christmas Raffle.
The parents and friends are now looking for donations for our Christmas Raffle. If you own a business or know someone who does and would like to donate a product or voucher that would be great. We would also gratefully accept individual donations from families. To make our raffles a success we rely on the help of our community to donate products.
Scholastic Book Club
Issue 7 has now closed and our orders should be nearing arrival. Our final issue for the year- Issue 8 will be arriving soon, heading out around the 11th November. All orders will need to be in and completed by 2nd December 2024. We thank you for your support with the scholastic book club, all orders give funds back to the school library to use on updating books for our children.
Parents and Friends meeting.
Our next Parent and Friends meeting will be held on a Monday 11th November 1:55pm this will most likely be our last one for the year as we head into the final weeks of term,