Middle School

Middle School Final Day Program
An email will be sent out shortly with details about our Middle School breakfast at Bell Street and the program for the rest of the day. At approximately 10am students and staff will walk back from Bell Street to the Middle School campus where students will rejoin their Key Class. During this time locks will be returned and students will be given the Echoes yearbook. At 1.45pm students will be seated in The Farrall Centre for the End of Year Assembly. Students will be dismissed at 3pm.
Final Assembly
Parents are invited to the End of Year Middle School assembly that will be held in The Farrall Centre on Thursday 12 December. Students from Year 7 and Year 8 will be seated at 1.45pm for a 2pm start. The assembly is expected to conclude at 3pm, after which students will collect their bags and commence their holidays.
2025 Year 9 Student Orientation
Monday 2 December - 8.30am to 2.30pm
Current Year 8 students will meet outside WN Oats Building on the Commercial Road campus.
Casual clothes can be worn, and students only need to bring a snack for morning tea and a drink bottle. A BBQ lunch will be provided.
Students will not return to Middle School at 2.30pm. If you require supervision from 2.30pm to 3.30pm, please email Aaron Davey.
2025 Year 7 Student Orientation
Monday 2 December - 8.45am to 3pm
Students will meet in the Mark Curtis Foyer (Middle School) between 8.45am and 9am. Students should bring their own lunch and a drink bottle.
Students are not required to wear school uniform on this day, however please wear casual clothes that are suitable for easy and fun physical activities.
For students being collected by car, pick-up will be from Boa Vista Road. Please note that Boa Vista is quite busy at this time, and you may need to park.
‘Big Day In’ 2025 Year 8 Orientation Day
Monday 2 December - 8.30am to 3.30pm
Students will be able to access the Mark Curtis Foyer (Middle School) from 8.15am and be in their new Key Classes by 8.30am. Students should bring their own lunch and a drink bottle.
Students are required to wear sports uniform on this day.
Year 7 Film Festival
Next week from Thursday 5 December to Tuesday 10 December inclusive, Year 7 students will be involved in a Film Festival. They will work in groups of 7-8 from their 2025 Year 8 Key Teaching class, which they will meet on Moving On Day on Monday December 2. Each group will plan, film, edit and share a 3.00 minute film (or shorter) linked to one of the key Quaker Testimonies - Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Earthcare. Groups will also need to incorporate the symbolic prop in their film in an interesting, clever and meaningful way. The symbolic prop will be revealed on Thursday morning. Students will take on multiple roles: writer, actors, director, director of photography (camera operator), sound and visual editor.
Students are permitted to wear their full sports uniform for the four days. Each day begins in their film group at 8.30am, and they will be dismissed at 3.30pm. Students will be emailed a more detailed run down and a list of their groups prior to the day.
If parents or students have any further queries or questions they are invited to contact Nicola Collins.
Year 7 Connections Activity Day
Wednesday 11 December
Students will be participating in some fun activities to conclude Year 7 on Wednesday 11 December. Students have selected their activities and are in mixed groups from the 6 Key Teaching groups. We will depart from the Middle School Campus at 11am and return by 3.30pm. Students need to bring a packed lunch, drink, bucket hat and personal medications.
Further information, including a permission form, will be shared in an Operoo for shortly.
If you have any queries please contact Nicola Collins.
2025 Music Ensemble Schedule
The final 2025 Music Ensembles Rehearsal Schedule is now available here.
For any questions, please contact Paul Kershna - Head of Music.
Small Paws Animal Rescue Drive - Student Voice Council and Service Council initiatives
A reminder that donations can be dropped at the Middle School Office or the Library. We have extended the date from 22 November to Tuesday 3 December. The 30 second film competition deadline has also been moved to the same day.
There will also be a Zooper Dooper sale to raise money for Small Paws on Tuesday 3 December at first break. Buy a refreshing, icy treat for $2 and make a contribution to a well-deserving charity! Cash and card are accepted.
Essie Wants Your Newspapers!
Do you have any old newspapers lying around? Essie Hoggart is collecting newspapers for activities on the 2025 Year 7 Orientation Day and the current Year 7s’ ‘Big Day In’ (their Orientation into Year 8). Please drop off to the Middle School Office or Essie Hoggart’s office.
Wind, Brass, and Percussion Concert
Monday 2 December
We invite you to join us for a short, informal concert featuring our wind, brass, and percussion ensembles at The Farrall Centre on Monday 2 December, starting at 6pm. Performances will include students from the Intermediate Band, Wind Ensemble, and Jazz Band. Families are warmly welcome to attend.
This is a free and unticketed event.
Shine Your Light Festival | SAVE THE DATE
5-7.30pm, Thursday 6 February 2025
A start of year celebration, uniting the Middle School community. The event will be held in The Farrall Centre and will welcome students and their families into the Middle School, and celebrate the Year 8s as the student leaders of our Campus. As such, attendance will be compulsory for students in Years 7 and 8.
More details and a booking link will be provided in the coming weeks.
Important Dates:
Friday 29 November - Year 8 Big Day Out
Monday 2 December - 2025 Orientation Day
Wednesday 4 December - End of Year Gathering
Thursday 5 to Tuesday 10 - Year 7 Film Festival
Wednesday 11 December - Year 7 Connections
Thursday 12 December - Final Day Events
8.45am to 10am - Breakfast at Bell St
10am -2pm Final Middle School Assembly
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar