Year 2/3

In Maths we have been completing problems with multiplication and division, explaining how we reached our answers and completing inverse sums using these.
We’ve started activities with data and graphs, interpreting different type of graphs and creating graphs.
We’ve played card games, a favourite has been “100 or bust.” Activities have continued with our book “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."
We’ve made a poster about our own different lolly and presented our ideas to the class.
Our news topic has been What is special about our grandparents, this week's topic is My Favourite Game.
Geography has been looking at countries that are near us, using an atlas. Then we’ve been looking for natural features of our country and of others in the Pacific area.
For Sport we have been playing Pet Shop, Rob the Nest and Stuck in the Mud. Also we have been running, skipping and and practicing ball skills.