From the Principal's Desk

Congratulations to our students, Gabriella Osorio-Bradley, Maria De Bono and Timana Brown, who made their Confirmation on the 3rd of November. The Sacrament of Confirmation is the second of the three sacraments of Christian initiation. Confirmation completes Baptism, by which in the laying on of hands and the anointing with Chrism Oil, which first happened at Baptism, we are confirmed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
Bishop Mark spoke to the Confirmation Candidates and their Sponsors before Mass and explained the difference that Confirmation will make in their lives. It was enlightening to listen to the Bishop explain how we can see the fruits and the gifts of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives.
Thank you to the 21 respondents to our Parent Satisfaction Survey. This survey is a powerful tool that will assist in informing future initiatives of the school. One area that was pleasing to see was that the majority of respondents ranked the criterion “the teachers of our school know and care about my child/children” as a 5, which is the highest ranking. I am glad parents can see this very true aspect of our small school. We are in a unique situation where all teachers know every student well, including their personalities and their learning strengths and challenges. We constantly work together to provide the best possible outcomes for each child.
An area that emerged as requiring some attention was the criterion “Our school buildings and grounds are attractive and well-maintained.” We have made some progress in this area with the continuing development of the sensory garden. This previously largely unused area is becoming a well-utilised and attractive garden. This has been made possible by various small grants, including support from Landcare, which gifted us some plants that are both functional and help to make the area look more attractive. Please feel free to contact the school if you have other ideas for the continued care and beautification of our school.
Jemima Middleton
Acting Principal, REC