From the Principal's Desk

Welcome to Week 8, Term 4!

It was great to see so many grandparents visit last Friday, some travelling great distances to be here. It certainly brought a smile to the children's faces, and mine.  After visiting the classrooms, they were treated to the infant's choir performing at the assembly.



This Friday is the P&C Christmas Party and fireworks. It all starts at 5.00pm with the fireworks at approximately 8.00pm.  Children must purchase tickets to be used at each of the activities.  These can be bought through the Qkr! App but will also be available for sale from the canteen on the day, along with various glow sticks.


Captain's speeches

Today the students voted for their new school leaders for 2025. Two boys and four girls nominated for the elections. This morning the students gave their speech to the whole school.  It was great to once again see parents and grandparents in attendance to support their children. The leaders will be announced at next week's Celebration of Learning Assembly.

At the beginning of next year students will elect their house and creative arts captain's.

Celebration Of Learning

Our Celebration of Learning Assembly will be held on Friday 13th December starting 10.00am.  Class awards, major awards and Year 6 graduation certificates and book awards to all students in Kindergarten to Year 2 will be presented. Students in Years 3-6 must wear their formal school uniform, while students in Years K-2 can wear their summer uniform.  All Year 6 families should attend. There will be a small morning tea available for all families at the conclusion of the assembly.


Whole school pool day

On Tuesday 17th December all students will have the opportunity to go to the pool as part of our end of year celebrations. Years 3-6 will go from 9.30 am to 1.30pm. Kindergarten to Year 2 will go from 10.45am to 1.30pm. Parents are welcome to join us. We allow the students to buy something at the pool canteen on this day.

Tell Them From Me Survey Results

This week's newsletter covers the last three areas of the Tell Them From Me Survey that parents participated in at the end of last term. As mentioned previously, 40 parents took the time to complete the survey. 


Today we will look at School Supports Positive Behaviour, Safety at School and Inclusive School.


Parents support positive behaviour


The school saw an increase in this area from 2023. We believe the setting of clear expectations in all settings through the PAX Wellbeing Program has contributed to this improvement. It is an area that can change from year to year depending on the cohort of students.


Safety at school

We are pleased to see that your child feels safe at school. This year 2021, 37% of students indicated in a similar survey that they were a victim of bullying at Martin's Gully. This year it has fallen to 17%. We have increased the number of teachers on playground duty and have linked in with Centa Care to run programs for students in Years 4-6 on friendships etc.


Inclusive school  

Additional teaching time and School Learning Support time has been allocated to each class to support all student learning. We have moved away from individual intensive support to small group support. This allows us to help more students with additional learning needs using the same amount of funding. There has been an increased emphasis on ensuring that students that need extending in their work are provided with the same support.



You Can Do It!

How does You Can Do It! as an attitude influence the way young people think, feel, and behave?

When faced with stressful events or people, young people with strong self-belief talk to themselves using a strong and convincing voice, “You can do It!” “You can cope with being teased!” “You can get this difficult work finished!” “You can give a great talk, speech, or presentation!”.  The result is strong feelings of confidence and determined behaviour. 

You Can Do It! is an energising force that helps you to have a go. To not be afraid when the going gets tough, and to believe in yourself. What can be more powerful than that?


Icy Pole Friday

At recess time students can purchase an icy pole for $1.  Money raised goes towards the Year 6 gift to the school.


Dates for your calendar: 

Dates for Term 4


Week 8

Friday 6th December - P&C Christmas Party and Fireworks


Week 9

Friday 13th December - Celebration of learning Assembly 10:00am


Week 10

Tuesday 17th December - Whole school pool day

Wednesday 18th December - Year 6 Final Farewell Assembly and the last day of the year.


School resumes on Thursday 6th February for all students.