Whole School News


Art exhibition

Our Annual Art Exhibition is a collaboration between the Primary and Secondary School, P-10. Specialist teachers get the opportunity to showcase the wonderful work produced throughout the year.  The opening gave students and the wider school community the opportunity to gather in a festive environment, share food and celebrate a wonderful range of Art created by the students. The opening was officially opened by Acting Principal Chris Millard and very creative ex Collingwood College student Marley Ford-De Kleyn.

Congratulations to the students and everyone involved, it was truly a memorable afternoon.




Angela Dionysopoulos

Primary Art/Performing Arts


'The Wizard of Oz' School Production


Rave reviews, fun for all, the school production - Wizard of Oz was truly a masterpiece that showcased the wonderful talents of our students, and the hard work of Sarah Adams! Please enjoy more sneak peaks of the production. Photos courtesy of Warren Taylor.


VHAP Programs Yr's5-8+ Master class 

Collingwood College has started our participation in the Victorian High Abilities Program this year. Some of our marvelous students got the opportunities to extend their English and Maths skills through a 10-week online program with students from other schools. Our VHAP students from term 1 and 2 this year also got invited to a VHAP masterclass in the last week of term 3. Students in the English masterclass learned some techniques about persuasive/propaganda messages. They used visual mentor texts and oral messaging to consider the political or persuasive intent behind their design. Students in the Maths masterclass explored concepts such as time, Pascal's triangle, and game theory. The hands-on maths games were great fun!  

Xiaoming Li 

Languages & High Abilities 7-10 Learning Area Leader

Yr7-12 Chinese Language Teacher


Dear Parents/Carers,

This is gentle reminder regarding our voluntary Family Financial Contributions request for 2024.


Whilst Government funding is provided to every public school to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum, it is contributions made by parents/carers that help ensure that our can continue to offer the best possible additional opportunities, facilities, and resources to develop to foster student learning and a passion for education.


With your continued financial support, we will be able to achieve this by contributing to the cost of consumables and resources that our students require throughout the 2024 school year.   Any financial contributions you make will also assist in the development and maintenance of our school programs, our library and our buildings and grounds.


You can make contributions to the school at any time via Compass course confirmation, located in the top right corner of the Compass Parent Portal. You can also contribute over the phone, or in person at the school office.


If you need any assistance with this, please do not hesitate to contact us at the office by phone 9417 6681 or via email Collingwood.co@education.vic.gov.au


If you have any queries, would like to set up a payment plan or need support for any payments, please contact our Assistant Business Manager Kristina Smith.


Chris Millard

Acting Principal



Staff Profiles

Enjoy finding out about the expertise, passion, and life experiences that our staff bring to teaching and learning at Collingwood College.


Rachel Wood

Acting Assistant Principal


I can’t say that I have always wanted to be a teacher, but I can say I’m thrilled that it is where I have ended up. I started off in Science at University but very quickly realised this was not my path. Instead, I switched back to the humanities and nurtured my love of studying History, Sociology & Legal Studies. I was lucky enough to complete my Master of Education and then land at Collingwood College, the school that has moulded me into the educator I am today. When people ask me why I teach at Collingwood, I quickly respond, “because I wouldn’t want to teach anywhere else”. I’m proud to be a part of this community and even prouder to see how we have an impact on developing our young people into the leaders, innovators and creators of tomorrow.




Simon Negrelli

Mathematics & Coding  Teacher


This is my tenth year teaching in a variety of schools in the inner city. Before becoming a teacher I worked in construction, IT project management and software development. My love of teaching was borne from my time as a football coach where I coached girls and boys teams over a ten year period. 

I have a passion for maths, sport and trying to get to as many music festivals as possible. I look forward to hitting the beach with my family during summer, heading down to the west coast for a well earned break. I feel privileged to work at Collingwood College with its fantastic staff, students and parents.



Emily Wearne

Music & Coding Teacher


After spending my 20’s trotting around the globe and parts of Australia, I decided to get serious. I started my degree in music and education at Deakin University. Graduating in 2016 I spent my first few years as a teacher doing short term contracts and CRT work, this not only humbled me but allowed me to really consider what type of school I wanted to work in. I knew I wanted to teach at a school that was local to my area, one that reflected how I felt as a teacher and one where I could understand the student cohort. Collingwood College had all of those. Collingwood College has a certain warmth, I feel proud and lucky to be teaching with such a diverse cohort of students and wonderful/dedicated teaching staff.


INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE (updated 27 October) - Contact Person - Steve Wu


Please click on the attachment below to see a list of Stringed instruments for sale. If you have an instrument for sale please email Steve at:  fengchih.09@gmail.com



Collingwood College is online! Feel free to follow us on: 

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/collingwood.college/ and like us on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/collingwood.vic.edu.au/ to keep up to date with everything that our school has to offer our students and the community.