Growing Beyond Earth Trial 2
The Growing Beyond Earth 2024 Program officially came to an end on 8th November. Students conducted a second trial to implement their new water supply system.
The plants chosen for this trial were basil, cos lettuce, and Nasturtium flowers.They were planted in separate plastic containers, each housing two pots of the same species, and were initially planted on October 9th. The plants were then harvested on 6th November. Unlike most of the plants in trial one, all of our specimens had fair or good health ratings, with no wilting or moulding at any point. Additionally, the roots of the plants in trail two were longer than those in trial one, something that was noted as a goal to achieve by one of our team members, keen to see how this may have contributed to the improved health of the plants and reduced competitiveness for water.
During trial 1, we had one tray for 6 pots in trial #1 and 3 trays for 6 pots in trial 2. In trial 2 we had 3 columns of 2 pots each with their own tray. Patterns were noticed when there are more individualised water trays, plants thrived more and there was always an excess of water in the base of the tray. Trial 2 always maintained a minimum of 500ml less than trial 1, which overall gives trail 1 a usage of 6L whereas trial 2 used only 3.5L, giving a saving of 2.5L. Due to these savings, we can assume that if each pot had its own tray of water, there would be the highest savings of water.
This was an important part of our experiment as it showed us how our different techniques worked and how effective they were.
Students then presented their findings in an Online Australian Symposium with both international and national participants. This event celebrated the commitment of the participating students of the 2024 pilot program, who showcased and shared their learning. The Symposium also featured special guest presentations from industry experts, and was a fantastic opportunity for our students.
Miss Nikita Cosoleto