Principal Update

Principal Report Thursday 5 December
We are nearing the end of the 2024 school year; which has been a big year for everyone. We still have many things happening across the school over the next two weeks. Please ensure you are checking the compass calendar.
We have had Yarra Ranges Council engage contractors to do some works to the path that runs along our fence line this week. They are also doing some works on the path on the other side heading down School Rd towards the Puffing Billy railway crossing. We also asked them to fill the potholes which they have done for us. It is looking good and should help our students who are riding bikes.
Today our Year 6 students are enjoying their celebration day at Gumbuya World. Our students have worked hard fundraising this year and would like to acknowledge the community support for the hot food Fridays that turned into Zooper Dooper Fridays.
This evening our Year 2’s will have a sleepover at school! This will be after enjoying a trip to Ninja Nation as part of their PMP graduation. We are sure they will have a great day and are hopeful that they get some sleep! Thanks in advance to Natalie and Jacinta for providing this opportunity tonight.
Let’s Talk
Yesterday our students in Year 3- 6 received some recognition for their efforts this year supporting The Let’s Talk program. All students received a badge and a wristband. Our student buddy mentors also received a certificate and a special pin. This was also enjoyed with a donut! It was nice to hear the feedback from the students on how this program has made them feel seen, heard and valued this year. The comments provided by the students really identified a positive shift for our students who need someone to talk with about any issues and strengthened their connectedness to their peers and the school. We will continue with this next year.
School Saving Bonus
Please refer to the news feed in Compass from Kate Keys. We are understandably receiving lots of questions as this government initiative is being rolled out.
Classes for 2025
Next Tuesday 10 December is the state-wide transition day. Our Year 6 students attending government secondary schools next year will have a day at their new school setting and we will have our 2025 Foundation students join us.
We will have a ‘meet the teacher’ for 2025 on this day too for all our students between 9:30am – 10:30am
We will have 5 classes next year
- Foundation/Year 1 - teacher Natalie Woodgate
- Year 2/3 - teacher Jane De Lorenzo
- Year 3/4 - teachers Alison Scott and Courtney Gilmour
- Year 5/6 - teacher Daniel Sutera
- Year 5/6 - teacher Sonya McLeod
Specialist structure
- Performing Arts and STEM – Lauren Keunen
- PE – Dale McInerney
- Visual Arts – Kate Watkins
- AUSLAN – Kirsten Varga
- Plot to Pot fortnightly - Rosie Luyken and Sarah Homans
- Tutor Learning Intervention – Alison Scott
- Chaplain – Hollie Boniface.
2025 Parent payment contributions
Please see the news feed with details for our parent payment for 2025 that will have all the details, due dates and arrangements for book packs.
Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary.
Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. Thank you for all your support, whether that’s through Voluntary Contributions, fundraising or volunteering your time. This makes a huge difference to our school and the programs we can offer. Essentially, it is your contributions that make Menzies Creek Primary School so special! Collectively your contributions allow us to provide opportunities and support above and beyond the traditional educational experience.
Production – photos and certificates
As you know we held our whole school production last term. Anne has created some nice keepsake certificates for each student using the photos that were taken by Laura Lane. They have come up well and will be a nice reminder of their involvement.
We will have assemblies on the following Fridays at 2:45 this term:
- December 6 (presentation of annual MCPS awards)
We will be announcing the recipients of the following annual awards.
Mikayla Francis ‘Spirit of Friendship’ Award for a student in F-2
Emerald Lions Club Community Award for a Year 3/4 student
Bendigo Bank Community Award for a Year 5 student
- December 20 (at 1pm for a 1:30pm early dismissal)
Take care,
Dale McInerney