Around the Classrooms

Bon Appetit!
The Year 7 French classes have finished their topic of food and drink. Amongst other classes 7I performed their French role plays pretending to be in a French restaurant complete with a French dialogue. Bravo !
Josh Sinclair
French Teacher
Rocky knowledge
On Friday 15 November, 8A were visited by a geologist, who spoke to us about geology and showed us some very interesting rocks.
He explained to us how these rocks are formed and the processes they go through to help us with our current unit of geology in science. It was a very special opportunity for all of the students in 8A, as we were able to hear from someone who is very knowledgeable and passionate about the subject of geology in the leadup to our CAT, in which we researched about our birthstone and presented it in a poster or birthday card.
The geologist presented us with a very informative slideshow, which was followed by a Q&A and then the opportunity to touch and learn about all the specimens he brought with him. It was great fun and 8A enjoyed the chance to learn and showcase our geological knowledge.
Keira, Ella and Alisa 8A