


Monday 2 December

Headstart begins 


Tuesday 10 December 

Year 6 to 7 Orientation Day. 

Digital Delivery day for 2025 Year 8 & 9 (2024 Year 7 and Year 8)  

Second-hand Uniform Shop Pop up Market day. Open 2 to 4pm. 


Friday 13 December 

Last day of the year for all students. Early finish at 2.15pm

Last day for Second-hand Uniform shop


Friday 20 December - Office closes for summer holidays at 11am


The school reminds families again of the Department of Education’s advice that family trips are taken during the school holidays to avoid extended absences causing gaps in the learning program. There is no safe number of days to miss school and each day missed puts them behind. Attending school each day promotes better health, better skills around learning, better social skills and better long term prospects. 


Students who take holidays during the school term will be expected to continue their studies remotely through the Compass Lesson plans, and upon their return will be expected to submit or complete outstanding work. This will be communicated with families through email.

2025 school calendar overview 

Term dates

Term First day Last day 
1Tuesday 28 January Friday 4 April
2Tuesday 22 April    Friday 4 July
3Monday 21 July Friday 19 September
4Monday 6 OctoberFriday 19 December

*All students -  2026 Year 12 to 8  - finish on Friday 12 December after two weeks of Headstart


Start dates 

Tuesday 28 January -  Staff/Teachers only. Second-hand Uniform Shop open

Wednesday 29 January - Year 12 and Year 7 students only

Thursday 30 January - Year 12 & Year 7 students plus Unit 3 & 4 classes as timetabled

Friday 31 January  - Year 11 to 8 start. All students back 


Student Free days during term


Term 1 

Tuesday 28 January – Staff / Teachers only 

Monday 10 March - Labour Day Holiday                            

Wednesday 2 April - PTS Interviews                        


Term 2 

Friday 25 April - ANZAC Day Holiday

Monday 9 June - King’s Birthday Holiday 

Friday 20 June - Report Writing 


Term 3 

Thursday 24 July – Staff Curriculum Day 

Wednesday 3 September - PTS interviews 


Term 4

Monday 3 November - Staff Professional Development                  

Tuesday 4 November - Melbourne Cup Holiday 

Friday 28 November - Report Writing 

Acknowledgement of Country