P&F News
As another school year draws to a close, I thought it would be a good time to share with you our activities this year. It's been quite a busy year.
We held the following events and invested in our community in the following ways
- We initiated integration events for the Year Seven cohort, welcoming the many new families into our community.
- We held a whole of Primary School integration BBQ, once again to welcome new families.
- We partnered with the school to upgrade the playground equipment in Primary School.
- We sponsored the 2025 Country Week Team to help reduce transport costs for families.
- We held our first off-campus event in many years, our Bogan Bingo event.
- We conducted the Colour Run, a day that the students always look forward to.
- Our annual Welcome Sundowner event was a raging success with more attendees than prior years.
- We hosted guest speaker Claire Eaton to speak to students as well as parents about building resilience in our students.
- We supported the school with a once-off donation for the plans to build a 'High Performance Gym' on campus.
- Provided much-needed sustenance on day one of each term with our coffee vans.
- The many year group catch-ups that our wonderful P&F year group representatives organised.
There was also the effort put into the DIGS group
- Held a kayaking afternoon
- Hosted a successful sleepout on school grounds
- Organised a lawn bowls afternoon
- Hosted the monthly catch up for dads at the Premier Hotel
- Ran a sausage sizzle at Bunnings to bring the dads together for a bit of fun and fundraising
If you have a passion for helping out around our community please feel free to contact me at jason.pages@iinet.net.au and we’ll welcome you on board to help us deliver these activities and investments.
Mr Jason Pages | P&F President
Dads in the Great Southern (DIGS)
Remember to join our private Facebook group, 'DIGS at GSG,' to keep up to date with upcoming events and activities. Mums are welcome to join, too!
Look forward to meeting you soon.
Mr Luke Murnane, President
0417 944 789
Mr David Marshall, DIGS Coordinator
0418 924 176