Education in Faith at
St Cecilia's
Education in Faith at
St Cecilia's
Thank you to all those who were able to attend the Family Mass on Sunday 10th November. It was lovely to come together to share in the Eucharist as a school community and enjoy Pizza in the hall aferwards.
This coming Friday 22nd November we will celebrate the feast of St Cecilia our school saint. St Cecilia is the patron saint of music. The love and appreciation of Music is something we foster at school in many ways through our music lessons, choirs, assemblies, classroom sing-alongs and even the music played to enter the classroom. I have attached a short entertaining video on the holistic benefits of playing an instrument which is both interesting and informative.
We will be coming together for Mass on 22nd Nov at 9:15 to celebrate St Cecilia. Everybody is most welcome.
Annmaree Hoy
Education in Faith Leader