Where everyone is Welcome!

                              Calendar Dates- What's on.


14th                   Fire Ed Program - P/1

14th                   Cricket Clinic - Sporting Schools

15th                   Tuckshop Closed- Over the counter sales only.

21st                    Fire Ed Program - P/1

21st                    Cricket Clinic - Sporting Schools









                                                                   Jesus, Prince of Peace,

                                                   you have asked us to love our enemies 

                                                    and pray for those who persecute us. 

                                         We pray for our enemies and those who oppose us. 

                                                         With the help of the Holy Spirit, 

                                        may all people learn to work together for that justice 

                                                     which brings true and lasting peace. 

                                              To you be glory and honour for ever and ever.



From the Principal

Dear Families,


School Advisory Council Annual General Meeting


I take this opportunity to thank the six parents who have been members of the School Advisory Council (SAC) this year. The SAC plays a significant role in supporting the spiritual and educational welfare of all students at St Philip’s. I thank them for their wisdom and ongoing support that they offer across all aspects of school life. In the coming weeks we will gather for the Annual General Meeting. Parents from all families are encouraged to attend the AGM and stay for a catch up following the meeting while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee or a glass of wine. Details of the date and time will be available next week.


Prep 2025 Orientation


Last week we had the first of our 2025 Orientation sessions. There are two more sessions planned for the new students to enable them to become acquainted with the school. They will also attend on Thursday 12 December when students from Grades Prep to Five will meet their 2025 classroom teacher.



School Assembly

The schedule for the class presentation  follows. 


Friday 15.11.24Grades 4-6
Friday 22.11.24Grades 2/3
Thursday 28.11.24Grades P/1
Friday 06.12.24Advent
Wednesday 18.12.24Final School Assembly 

Warm Regards,


Michelle Worcester



Fire Rescue Victoria - Fire Education

Today P/1 were lucky to be visited by our fantastic firefighters from Nunawading Fire Station. They gave us an interesting talk about how we can protect ourselves and our family in case of fire. We discovered the differences between good and bad fires and what to do to escape a fire- GET DOWN LOW AND GO ,GO, GO!!!

Firefighter Tom showed us all the protective equipment he wears while doing his job to keep us safe!!!



The past few weeks we have all enjoyed learning about cricket and improving our skills with Max from Cricket Victoria. We’ve learnt the correct techniques for bowling and batting and have enjoyed playing Rapid Fire, Golden Child and Continuous Cricket! We are very excited to share the news that Nav got a Hat Trick in today’s match! Three wickets in three consecutive balls! Congratulations Nav; what a huge achievement!


Cake Raffle 

We appreciate our families volunteering for cake raffle bringing joy to the children at assembly every week. The weekly cake raffle will be drawn at Assembly on Friday mornings. To support this fundraiser we ask for volunteers to provide a sweet treat (eg; cake, slice, cookies, cupcakes etc) to be raffled.    Please sign up for Term 4 to bake using the following link 


We need 1 baker for the 29th November, please sign up if you can.

All donations of baked goods require a list of ingredients attached.

Raffle tickets are 20c each and sold at the beginning of assembly.

Thank you for your support







Tuck Shop


Tuckshop is without a doubt the highlight of the week for the children. This would not be possible without our small team of committed volunteers showing up week after week. We need one extra mum or dad to add to our amazing team of volunteers to help with only one Friday per term from 11.30am - 2.30pm. Please reach out to Clara on 0449 767 020 or Angi on 0431 021 711 if you can help.

 We appreciate your support.


Entertainment books are another piece to our fundraising puzzle. When you sign up you receive 12 months of discounts and offers - and our school benefits - 20% of every membership purchased goes to support our school! 
