Level 1: Connect

The Colour Run in on Friday from 1:30-3:30. Don't forget to get your sponsors! If we reach our target goal, Mrs Briffa will get slimed!
Hats must be worn this term! UV has been quite high already. No hat, no play. Students are more than welcome to leave their hats in their bag tubs at school if this helps.
Our whole school Dance Incursion continues next week!
Friday 22nd November - Whole School Dance Showcase 2:30pm in the Stadium
What you can do at home
If you would like to help your child at home, you could choose from the following -
Writing - practise writing sentences with but, so, because, is, was and has.
Reading - It is recommended that year 1 students read for 5-10 mins every night.
Maths- Give Mathletics a go!!
Over the next fortnight, students will be covering 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes. We will also explore the concepts of data collection and data analysis. Students will represent data with objects and drawings where one object or drawing represents one data value.
Over the next fortnight students will be focusing:
- Writing process - Planning, Writing, Editing
- Narrative Structure - Beginning, Middle, End
- Writing focus - Punctuation (Capital Letters, Full stops), Handwriting, Detail (Adjectives, Adverbs).
Compound Sentences: Using 'because', 'but', and 'so' to connect two simple sentences to create a compound sentence.
Over the next fortnight student will be focusing on:
Phonemes: oe-toe (at the end of very short words) and aw- saw (at the end of a word)
Heart words: thought, bought, always, water, whose.
Morphology- reviewing the suffix -ful meaning full of something, such as hopeful, doubtful, helpful.
Dance Incursion photos:
Developmental Play:
Following on from our writing focus of procedural texts, some students followed a recipe to make honey joys for everyone. They were quite delicious! Another procedural text when working with Wilko on the Magic Milk experiment.
Have a great fortnight!
Level 1 Team
Suzanne, Anthony (and Tommy), Leon, Nishtha
After the art show, some classes visited the ‘Foyer Gallery’ during art time with Ms V to look closer at other student’s work and take some inspirations. Students sketched favourite pieces or created a new piece using the other artists’ ideas. On returning to the art room, students could choose how to complete a new piece of ‘Art Show Inspired Art’. It was very interesting to see which ideas and techniques were favourites, and this in turn will inspire planning for new artworks in 2025.
Love Art!
Ms van Etten.