Level 4: Connect

Friday 22nd November - Whole School Dance Showcase 2:30pm in the Stadium
Welcome to our lovely Level 4 families. It's so hard to beleive that we are over half way through the term. Time is certainly flying by. Christmas will be here before we know it!
On Thursday we had an amazing trip to IMAX and the Melbourne Museum. It was a day full of fun, learning and excitement. We learnt so many fascinating facts about bugs in particular. Did you know that there are bugs that cover themselves with dead bugs so they can sneak into an ant nest undetected. The ants smell the dead ants on the bug and presume it's just one of their ant-friends entering the nest. Another interesting fact was about aphids- the female aphid gives birth to ten cloned live aphids a day for months on end! In winter time, she lays eggs instead as the eggs can survive the cold.
I think we have all developed a new appreciation for bugs.
Thank you to our parent helpers for spending the day with us. You were great!
Please check out some photos from our excursion below...
Please remember that your child needs to bring a school hat to school every day. We encourage our students to be 'Sun Smart' and protect their skin from our harsh sun. When the UV index is 3 or above, a hat is required; if a student does not have a hat, they will need to play under the shade sails of the SLC.
As we enter Weeks 7 and 8—continuing our assessment and reporting period—we kindly ask families to ensure that students’ laptops are fully charged each night, ready for school the next day. An assessment schedule has been carefully planned each day to help minimise stress for students, so missing a session may add unnecessary pressure. Having a charged laptop helps students stay organised and focused, allowing them to get the most from their assessment sessions. Thank you for your support in helping our students succeed!
In Literacy, the Level 4 students have been further exploring their reading comprehension abilities. As we move closer the end of the term, we have been looking at how to deeply analyse an authors purpose and perspectives. Specifically, we have been practising writing summaries and concluding statements.
In writing, we have been unpacking the structure of narrative and persuasive pieces further. The level 4 students worked hard to produce two pieces of writing for their assessments, showcasing their understanding of persuasive techniques, sequencing, and exploring vocabulary to strengthen their writing.
Over the past two weeks, students have been involved in lots of fun and varied activities involving 2D and 3D shapes. They have been identifying and creating such shapes as octagonal prisms, nonagons and square based pyramids to name a few!
We have also been teaching the students all about chance and probability via engaging and interesting activities.
Over the next few weeks, we will be revising a lot of the concepts already covered this year. Next week we will be revisiting length. Using their skills of estimation, students will be calculating the length of various objects- both in and out of the classroom.
Here's a website for lots of measurement fun:
This term, our Year 4 students are diving into an inquiry project exploring the fascinating connections between living things and their environments. Each student has chosen a notable ecosystem to research—whether it’s the Amazon Rainforest, the Great Barrier Reef, the Sahara Desert, or the African Savanna. They will learn to identify different living things, describe the relationships that support survival, and examine the life cycles of selected plants or animals. Students will also consider ways to protect their chosen ecosystem, taking on the role of young environmentalists. At the end of term, families are invited to join us for an Expo in Week 11 to see each student’s creative presentation of their discoveries!
Home learning
Regular reading for 15-20 minutes each night has a powerful impact on your child’s literacy development. This daily habit strengthens their comprehension, expands vocabulary, and builds confidence in their reading skills. Consistent reading also helps children develop a love for stories and learning, setting them up for success across all areas of the curriculum.
Please encourage your child to complete their set Mathletics tasks as there are many students with outstanding activities that have yet to be completed. Thank you for your support with this.
Have a wondeful fortnight and we look forward to seeing you all soon. Thank you for your support with your child's home learning.
Level 4 Teachers.