Principals Report

Dear SEPS Families,
It is a hive of activity here at SEPS at the moment with so much happening, from assessment tasks to dance class! We are in the middle of completing a number of standardised assessments in Numeracy and English to ensure that our data sets are triangulated and that our end of year reports are underway. Teachers have been collaborating over the past couple of weeks to moderate writing samples and ensure that we have a consistent understanding of curriculum standards. On the flip side, we have been having a lot of fun during the dance workshops that running at present. I joined in a session today and realised how unfit I am! The dance teacher is so engaging that you cannot help but want to join in!
Colour Run
A huge congratulations to everyone for the fundraising effort that has been achieved for the Colour Run today. I was secretly hoping that we did not quite make the target for purely selfish reasons – to avoid being slimed. Our community raised well above the target thanks to the amazing efforts by the SEPS Social team… and so I had no choice but to be slimed by our School Captains. We have such a passionate group of parents who want nothing but the best for our school. I would like to thank them on behalf of our school community for their ability to create such great events for our students and families.
Book In A Day
I had a group of squealing children in my office today as they came to tell me that they won first place for their illustrations and 2nd place overall for their entry in the ‘Write A Book In A Day” challenge. Please see more information in Mrs Gau’s report. Congratulations again to all Grade 5 and 6 students who participated on the day. They all did a fabulous job.
Homework Forum
Thank you to everyone who completed our Homework Survey. We will be conducting a Homework Forum on Monday 25 November at 6pm. We would love to have as many parents/carers as possible join us for an evening of information, discussion and planning. We will send a link to RSVP next week should you wish to join us.
Front Office
We have moved into our new offices last Friday without a hitch. I cannot believe the office staff managed to move across so quickly. I would not have relocated without the help of our wonderful cleaner Sam, who came in early just to help out. We are so lucky to have such lovely people in our SEPS team. Unfortunately we are still waiting on the VSBA to release a full occupancy certificate for the front entry due to an OH&S issue. We will keep you update and hopefully have access via the front gate within a couple of weeks. Murphy will be very happy to make a return to school now that she will be able to fit into my office. It was a tight squeeze for a while!
Bike Safety
We ask that students do not ride bikes or scooters in the yard or laneways. Bikes and scooters should all enter and exit via Miller Rd. As a reminder, please discuss these safety measures with your children if they ride to school.
Have a wonderful fortnight ahead.
Jane Briffa