Principal's Address

Yearly Examinations
Years 7-10 students completed their yearly examinations last week in the Hall. These examinations were held under conditions that mimic Higher School Certificate conditions so as to prepare the students for the rigors of these examinations in the future.
Special conditions are implemented during formal assessment tasks for those students with a learning difficulty diagnosis. These special conditions include having a staff member as a ‘reader’ or having a staff member as a ‘reader and writer’.
Additionally, special conditions can also be accessed by students with a diagnosed mental health condition. Students in this category are provided separate supervision, in a smaller classroom, with less students.
If you have any questions regarding special conditions for formal examinations, please contact Learning and Support Teacher Mrs Rachael Taylor
The students behaved in an exemplary fashion and are to be commended for their efforts. With Yearly Reports just around the corner, I hope that students are rewarded with high individual results that reflect their effort and application.
End of Year reports
The teaching staff at Boorowa Central School are now starting the reporting cycle for the Semester 2 Student Reports. These reports provide information to parents regarding their child’s:
- attendance,
- participation in whole school activities
- student’s social development and commitment to learning
- explanation of the grade scale used
- a report for each key learning area, subject or course, each requiring
o the outcomes assessed
o A-E grades or word equivalent (Years 1-11) or Personalised Reporting Scale grade
o key learning area, subject or course-specific comment
Boorowa Central School provides exceptional quality individual student reports. Please enjoy reading about your child’s semester 2 progress and contact the school if you have any questions.
K-6 reports will be sent home as a hard copy and Year 7-10 reports will be released on Compass in the last week of school.
Classroom learning
Whilst the gathering of assessment data is coming to a close so that reports can be written in time for the end of the year, this does not mean that quality teaching and learning will not be taking place in the classroom. On the contrary, staff challenge themselves to continue to engage the students with teaching programs and activities designed to maximise learning.
Please continue to reinforce the importance of attending every school day with your child(ren) and encourage them to continue to apply themselves in every lesson.
Rotary and Op Shop
Student Support Officer Mrs Taryn Riles and I had the pleasure of attending the Boorowa Community Op Shop Disbursal of Funds meeting on Sunday 17 November. Boorowa Central School was the recipient of funds raised by the Op Shop and thanks to the volunteers that chose our school, these funds will be channelled into the schools daily breakfast and fruit program. This program is in place to ensure that every student has the breakfast they require to focus on their learning.
Congratulations to the Rotary Club of Boorowa for this fantastic initiative and their generosity in ensuring that the funds raised from their Op Shop make it into the hands of those who need it the most.
As I mentioned in my previous article, I am taking leave for the last 4 school weeks of this term. In my absence, Ms Trudy Mahoney will be relieving Principal, Mr Andrew Corcoran will relieve as Deputy Principal and Miss Jess Bromfield will relieve as AMPS Faculty Leader.
Ms Mahoney, Mr Corcoran and Miss Bromfield are all highly professional and I have no doubt that they will do a great job in my absence. I thank them for stepping into these roles.
I look forward to seeing you all in the new year, ready for another great year at Boorowa Central School