Principal Message
Be Kind, Be safe, Be respectful, Be responsible, Be resilient, Be ready
Dear Parents
I hope you had a wonderful extended weekend with your families and managed to enjoy the beautiful weather! As many of you know Cathy has been away on leave this week and will return on Monday, very relaxed I'm sure.
Next week the fencing around the portable building will be extended and will cover most of the grassed area near the drop off point. It should only be for a week or two but in the meantime please be extra vigilant and patient as it may take us a bit longer to get kids into cars. There will also be a temporary fence erected next to the bin storage bay, so students travelling to cars on the oval side of the carpark will need to go around. Please follow directions of any staff and use common sense when moving in that area.
Just another reminder about road safety- both Paul (our crossing man) and I have had cars drive through the crossing when we are standing on it this week. Please be VERY alert and vigilant when you are driving anywhere near the school and SLOW DOWN! We have also had some complaints from parents about cars parking on the drop off zone and/or getting out of their cars- please remember that if your child is not ready to be collected when you reach the drop off zone, you either need to go and park or drive around again. Please do not wait in the drop off zone as other parents are waiting to collect their child too.
Planning for our TRIVIA NIGHT on Friday 6th December is well underway and there are some pretty 'tricky' and fun questions and games planned. This night will be Christmas themed so make sure you have read up on all your Christmas trivia (haha). A big thanks to those parents who have already been out collecting raffle prize donations and those who have already booked their seats/tables. Once again it's looking like we are in for another great night of fun and laughs.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to welcoming Cathy back next week.