Principal's Report
By Carolyn Serpell
Principal's Report
By Carolyn Serpell
We have just one week left of term and to celebrate, next Friday we will have a casual dress day (with the exception of school hats, which must still be worn)! This is not a fundraising event, so no gold coin is required. Please also note that, as the last day of term, the school day will finish at the earlier time of 2.30pm.
Next Friday, the 15th September, is also our next West Peak Raffle! We hope that you can join us from 5:30pm to celebrate the last day of term and support the Spookie Ukies first busking session. We would also LOVE some volunteers to assist with selling tickets on the night. If you can help out, please contact the office. Funds raised from this night will go towards updating the junior years codable readers.
On Saturday the 4th November (Melbourne Cup Long Weekend), our school will celebrate its 75th Birthday! Students past and present, their families and staff are invited to join us for this special event which will involve a brief assembly, the ceremonial cutting of a birthday cake and a tour of the school. More information will be provided as details are confirmed.
We are seeking Expressions of Interest from appropriately qualified individuals to work in our OSHC service. If you have either a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, or a Cert 3 or 4 in Early Childhood Education and Care, please send your CV to Applications close 22 September, 2023. Further information can be found in the community notices and OSHC section.
Can you help? Mount Beauty Little Aths currently has no committee and urgently needs new members. If you can help out, please email
Tomorrow is the last chance for families to participate in the annual Parent Opinion Survey. If you haven't already done so, please complete the survey by using the link and access pin that was sent to you via Compass.
Next weekend several of our students will be playing in the Grand Final for the U14's football team. Our school is behind you cheering you on and hoping to see the flag come back after a long 10 year wait. Go Bombers!
On Tuesday 10th October 2023 from 6:30pm to 8pm, a free online parent session; Strengthening Children and Teens Against Anxiety will be held. Places are limited and the session will not be recorded. For more information and to register, please head to:
Due to ongoing concerns for student safety, families are asked to please use Tennis Court Avenue for school drop offs and pick ups. The staff carpark should not be used at these times.