Our Faith - Religious Education

RE Dates Term 3

Friday 8th September First Holy Communion Rehearsal 3:30-5 pm Cathedral

Sunday 10th September First Holy Communion Mass 10 am followed by morning tea

Friday 15th September Class Mass for Yr 3  in the Ursuline Chapel 

Friday 22nd September Class Mass for Yr 2 & Yr 4 in the Ursuline Chapel 


Proposed Family/ Youth Masses for 2023 

Term 3- Sunday 10th September -10 am Celebration of FHC

Term 4- Sunday 26th November - 5:30 pm

Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Mass Times

Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Weekend Mass Times:

Saturday 9 am & 6 pm

Sunday - 8 am, 10 am and 5.30 pm 

Congratulations - First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the children who will make their First Holy Communion on Sunday morning.

Mya Allingham

Evie Daly

Hudson Davis

Jacob Dinh

Isabella Edwards-Cuellar

Molly Kelly

Leo Kelso

Jade Kenny

Juliet Kenny

Ethan Miller

Grace Siddell

Briahna Walmsley

Mena Worthington

Friday 8th September - The Feast of the Birth of Mary

Today is the feast of the birth of Mary, the mother of Jesus. She is also the mother of all who follow Jesus, so we call her our Blessed Mother. People of every nation and language honour Mary. They have given her many titles of respect.


In the following reading, we hear Mary's words of praise for all that God has done for her and for all God's people. These words are called the "Magnificat", a song which the church sings every evening.


Read the words of the holy gospel according to Luke:


Mary spoke these words:

"With all my heart I praise the Lord,

and I am glad because of God my Saviour.

Care cares for me, his humble servant.

From now on, all people will say

God has blessed me.

God All-Powerful has done great things for me,

and his name is holy.

God gives the hungry good things to eat,

and sends the rich away with nothing.

God helps his servant Israel

and is always merciful to his people.

The Lord made this promise to our ancestors,

to Abraham and his family forever!"


Hail, Mary, full of grace,

the Lord is with you!

Blessed are you among women,

and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners

now and at the hour of our death.


Diocesan Prayer Card

A Diocesan Prayer has been written and published.