Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships

National Day of Action (NDA) against Bullying and Violence 

Friday 18 August 

Today is National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. In 2022, 68% of Australian schools joined together to say 'Bullying. No Way!' The NDA is an opportunity to create a shared understanding of what bullying is, outline bullying prevention policies and show support to students who may be experiencing bullying. Australian schools come together on the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence to raise awareness of bullying prevention.


The theme for 2023 is 'growing connections'. This theme supports research findings that strong school community connections and social skills are protective factors in the prevention of bullying and help enable positive, help-seeking behaviours in students. Growing connections is a place where students and teachers help and support each other so everyone feels safe and welcome at school. Growing connections, we're helping to prevent bullying.


Today, students completed a “DO NOW” activity in their period one classes: “Bullying is NEVER OKAY! Classes had discussions around CALLING IT OUT, being a positive upstander and where to go for support if they are being bullied, or if they know someone is being bullied. 


At Wantirna College it is of the highest priority that ALL students and staff feel safe, valued, accepted, and connected to their environment. This has flow-on benefits that support learning and engagement, improved academic outcomes, reduced absenteeism and increased trust, respect and empathy.

Fight Like a Girl (F.L.A.G) Club is Back!

This club is designed to empower, build confidence, and create social connections in our female and non-binary students at all year levels. 


This term our focus is around providing a space where our female students feel safe and empowered to engage in physical activity and socialise together!


The ECA will be supervised and open to all female and non-binary students in Years 7-12 every Thursday lunch time. Female and non-binary staff will also pop in to visit or to strut their skills in the staff vs student competitions. The first of which was a volleyball match yesterday.

If you don’t want to play sport, you can come and watch, listen to the music, colour, play board games, make jewellery, or have a chat with us! 


We can’t WAIT to see you Thursday! Any questions, feel free to message Mrs. Dougherty or Ms. Howell.

Wear it Purple Day

Friday 25 August 

‘Wear it Purple’ Day was founded in 2010 in response to global stories of real teenagers, real heart ache and their very real responses. Several rainbow young people took their own lives in 2010 following bulling and harassment resulting from the lack of acceptance of their sexuality or gender identity. ‘Wear it Purple’ was established to show young people all over the world that there is hope and they have a right to feel proud of who they are.

This year’s theme is “Write your own story”. Placing emphasis on the importance of personal expression and individuality for Rainbow youth. In a world where social media, the media and school often creates pressure to conform to norms and certain standards. This theme aims to encourage young people to embrace their perspectives and share their stories with others.

Why wear it purple? It strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering, and inclusive environments.


To celebrate Wear It Purple Day on Friday 25 August and show their support, students and staff are encouraged to wear a touch of purple. We will be running a bake sale at lunchtime outside Mason House, music, colouring, and jewellery making (bracelets, necklaces etc). Proceeds will go to Minus 18. We will also be running a writing competition in line with this year’s theme. 


Do you have a story within you but don’t know how to get it out? Well, get ready to unleash your storytelling superpowers and prepare for our Write your story competition. Entries close Monday 28 August. Please email your entry to FLA@wantirnacollege.vic.edu.au


Rebecca Howell

RRRR Leader