Year 1/2
Excitement aplenty over the last few weeks with big items such as Book Week, French Puppet Show and creating masterpieces through procedural instructions.
English - Procedural Texts
Students have been exploring the structure and features of a variety of procedural texts during reading and writing. Students have experimented with the use of verbs and adverbs to produce their own procedural text.
Exploring multiplication with arrays
Students have been learning to model multiplication through the use of arrays. They have explored skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s to problem solve.
Book Week
Thanks to all families for supporting Book Week, the students looked incredible and had a blast participating in the whole school parade. Students very proudly read their published narratives to the Preps who were a willing audience.
Comparing the past, present and future
Students have been comparing the development of different technologies and how these have impacted life. When exploring schools from the past, students were really engaged and were able to identify the vast difference between classrooms, then and now.