A snapshot from the Prep Class
This term has just flown by! Well done to our wonderful preps on everything they have achieved!
Over the last few weeks of Term 3, students explored multiple fairy tales, highlighting the lesson behind each story and identifying the problem and solution. They also had a go at ‘rewriting’ fairy tales. We got to read some awesome reinvented stories and the kids absolutely loved changing the classic storylines.
Students worked with different 2D and 3D shapes and participated in lots of fun, hands-on activities to see out Term 3. Some of these activities included shape pizzas, shape monsters, shape pictures and a shape hunt around the school. They have really enjoyed identifying different shapes and their characteristics e.g sides, corners and what each shape reminds them of.
Students have also been exposed to the concept of money, more specifically coins. They have looked at each coin and identified the difference between each coin.
Recently students completed a unit on Personal History. We explored past, present and the future us.
Things you can be doing over the holidays!
Over the last week of term, Mr Randall and Miss Rhodes will be distributing fresh decodable readers to all of the students. They will receive 3 different readers, each for different reasons.
- An easier reader to practise reading fluency and reading with expression.
- A ‘just right’ reader to practise reading new sounds they have learnt recently.
- A ‘challenge’ reader that has been given to students as an opportunity to extend them - it may take a few tries to get it right but that’s ok!
We also encourage students to have a go at writing about any exciting things that they do on the holidays, with a picture to match - like a holiday journal! This is an awesome way to keep students engaged in writing and they will be given an opportunity to share with the class.
We hope you enjoy your holidays, and are looking forward to Term 4!