Principal's Message

By Judith Drew 






Parents are reminded that the Staff Car parks at the front and rear of the school are not for parent parking. Parents with a valid disabled pass may use the designated space at the front of the school..


Performing Arts and Camp experiences continue to be a key feature of student learning experiences during Term 3 at Albany Rise. The social skills and resilience built through these opportunities are invaluable, and we are so appreciative of parents’ support of these programs across all year levels.

Today, students across the school were engaged in the final STOMP professional dance sessions, finalising steps and sequences as we rapidly head towards our whole school Musical performance of ‘The Primary Production Problem’ which will be undertaken at Wellington Secondary College next month. Tickets will be on sale from tomorrow for performances on both nights. Information about ticket sales and a link to the online portal will be shared through Dojo and Compass tomorrow. Seats are limited, so be sure to check ticket purchase arrangements early to secure seats for friends and family.


Today also, our students who are preparing for their performance in the Victorian State School Spectacular had a long but rewarding day of rehearsals at John Cain Arena. The Victorian State School Spectacular involves thousands of primary and secondary students from hundreds of schools across the state. There are incredibly talented singers, dancers, musicians, acrobats, and performers (all students) who come together for two highly professional performances to showcase their talents. Our 30 students have been rehearsing for months and we cannot wait to take part in the final performance this Saturday, 9th September.


And additionally today, our Year 2 students are having their first ever Camp experience, with a sleepover at school. As I visited the group this evening in the ARC, it was evident how confident, happy and inclusive this cohort of students is this year. I am sure they will have a wonderful sleepover experience and learn much about teamwork, independence and resilience.

Of course, none of these events can occur without the support of parents and a strong home/school partnership. Recently parents were asked to take part in our 2023 Parent Opinion Survey. The survey closes this week, with preliminary data showing some very positive trends in our communications between home and school, and many other areas of the school. In particular, we have been pleased to see an increase in the positive response to questions about two-way communications between home and school this year, compared to previous years.


Extra Curricula Activities @ ARPS

There are many, many opportunities for students to take part in a broad range of Extra- curricula activities during school and outside school hours at Albany Rise.

Our instrumental music program, provided by 'Junior Rockers' is one such example. Students in this program can have personalised tuition learning guitar, keyboard and drums during school hours, once per week. This is in addition to the Specialist performing arts Music program provided at our school.

Parents who are interested in involving their child in the 'Junior Rockers' instrumental music program, can contact the office or call Junior Rocker on the number provided in the flyer (see Classifieds).

Students can also join the Choir, Soccer (afterschool on Mondays), Mindful Art lunchtime club, Drama club, Garden Club, Peer Mediator Program, Kids Hope program, and so much more. Our staff are keen to provide a broad and diverse learning experience for all students with regular access to additional programs and resources. Parents are encouraged to make contact if further ideas for extra curricula activities are being sought.


Toilet Upgrade update

Our first steps in our toilet upgrades will commence over the coming holidays. We are so excited about finally removing the outdated facilities across the school and replacing all of the dilapidated toilet facilities with band new toilets and facilities for all students to utilise. The initial building works will be occurring in the senior students toilets (near the Administration Building). There will be a temporary builders compound on the asphalt area for several weeks whilst the upgrade is taking place. The upgrade includes developing some new storage spaces and opening up areas for greater access to facilities. The building upgrade also includes new disabled toilets and ramps to the administration building. I am looking forward to sharing some pictures of the upgrades as the works commence and are underway.