Student Celebrations

Celebrating many things that our students have achieved

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.



PAFelix DFor showing amazing effort and care in his writing. You are using capital letters and full stops in all of your sentences, Felix! Keep up the great work!
PBMalekye BFor your amazing participation and thoughtful contributions during class conversations. Your care and focus around your learning has you growing in leaps and bounds! What a star, well done Malekye!!
PCZayla KFor your determination and have a go mindset when completing independent writing tasks. Zayla, you are showing me that you can produce fantastic pieces of writing showing off your amazing handwriting! Well done! 
PDSophie GFor the positive and enthusiastic attitude that you bring to class every day, and the fantastic way that you confidently take on more challenging activities and tasks. Well done, Sophie!
PEHarry RFor consistently setting a great example for your peers.  You always listen to instructions, start tasks quickly and focus on your learning.  Well done and keep up the brilliant attitude!
1AHarvey VFor his fantastic attitude towards his maths and wanting to learn new strategies to solve problems. I have loved watching you have a go at trying to solve more complex subtraction problems this week. Keep up the great effort, Harvey!
1BArcher BFor his outstanding reading and writing this week, Archer is working really hard both at school and at home and is improving every day. Archer is also always kind to his peers and has a wonderful sense of humour. Well done Arch!
1CJack DFor your amazing growth mindset and resilience when trying the split strategy in subtraction this week. I loved watching you give every question a try and work as a team with the other students to try to solve each equation. Keep it up superstar!
1DIsla HFor your absolutely amazing resilience since you broke your arm. You have completed every task to your usual high standard, even though you have to right with the wrong hand! Isla, you are a 1D superstar!! 
2AHudson KFor his amazing writing piece based on the text ‘The Circles All Around Us’. Hudson, your writing showed excellent organisation and sentence fluency with accurate and beautifully neat publishing! What a wonderful author you are! Well done!
2BRyan TFor doing his best to focus on his behaviour and to follow expectations.  Congratulations Ryan for reflecting on your behaviours and trying to make positive changes.  Keep up the good work!    
2CMohamed EFor showing outstanding resilience when challenged and for making positive choices in and outside the classroom. Mohamed, I’m incredibly proud of you and all your hard work. Keep it up superstar!
2DLucinda PFor your wonderful attitude towards learning. Lucy, you always apply your best effort in class, whether it’s during a mini lesson or in your independent work. You also set a fantastic example for your peers with your excellent listening skills. Keep it up!
3AGeorgia T For your seamless entry back into the classroom after your holiday. Georgia, you were engaged, hard-working and a superstar listener throughout the day. It is absolutely wonderful to have you back! Keep up the amazing work for the rest of the term!
3BAria AFor working hard and showing resilience to achieve your learning and social goals! Aria, you have done a wonderful job with your writing this week and it was great to see you show your knowledge during our measurement activities. Keep up the great effort, Aria! 
3CAlexis EFor the wonderful writing you have been doing this week, especially for your fantastic use of dialogue and talking marks. Keep up the wonderful work Alexis. We are very proud of you! 
3DHarry CFor your confident, entertaining Fascinating Facts presentation. Well done Harry, you presented a detailed, interesting presentation and believed in yourself! I am so proud of you Harry ! 
4ACora HFor settling back into 4A. We love having you back as you light up the classroom! You have worked so hard to draft your buddy book and make it fun and engaging for your buddy. Well done Cora!
4BCharlotte HFor her hard work and dedication in learning a range of strategies to solve multiplication problems. Well done Charlotte, you're doing a great job with your learning. 
4CFranklin SFor all of your hard work in the classroom over the last few weeks. You have made positive choices that have helped you learn at your best and have shown great resilience by picking yourself back up through challenges. We are very proud of you, keep it up! 
4DLucca CFor the amazing effort you have been putting into your work. This year, you have always tried your best and kept a positive attitude towards your learning. It is such a pleasure to teach you! I'm really proud of you and I hope you continue to enjoy your learning. We are very lucky to have you in 4D. Congratulations and keep it up!
5ACorin BFor sharing informative, respectful and mature responses and opinions in our Social and Emotional Learning lessons. Corin, your level of knowledge in this area is amazing and will help to grow the knowledge and understanding of your peers. Keep up the great work!
5BMatthew NFor your amazing work taking two pieces of writing through the writing process. It has been wonderful reading all your published books. Keep up the amazing work Matthew, we are so proud of you!
5CFrankie DFor outstanding achievement in 2023. You have been a role model in terms of effort and behaviour and should be very proud of your learning growth. Congratulations Frankie!
5/6AViolet LFor her mature approach and showing resilience during our lessons on fractions this week. Violet took responsibility for her learning and worked hard at applying feedback to improve her understanding. Super effort! Well done Violet!
6ALayla DFor your great effort in math this week. Layla, you’ve worked really hard to get better at your times tables this week, which has been great to see! Keep this up and you will know them all in no time! Well done Layla!
6BLulu HFor your enthusiasm and efforts in writing over the past two weeks. Lulu, you have thought outside of the box for both your previous and new piece of writing. Well done!
6CSadie RFor using a growth mindset to take on and overcome new challenges. Sadie, you have an amazing ‘can do’ attitude and you are rapidly achieving your goals! Keep it up legend!


PAAria ZFor showing the Wembley values and having a positive attitude on our farm excursion. Thanks for helping us have a great day, Aria!
PBHunter DFor your commitment and engagement during our visit to the farm this week! You represented Wembley respectfully and with great pride. Thank you for showing kindness in all that you do!
PCEllie HFor the amazing care you take in the work you produce. Ellie, you always complete work to such a high standard, I love seeing the creations you come up with! Well done Ellie.
PDEila HFor consistently demonstrating kindness in class. Thank you Eila for always showing empathy and respect to all your classmates. We really value the way that you help those in need and always use kind and gentle words. Keep up the great work!
PERae MFor your brilliant attitude on our visit to the farm.  You showed resilience in some very muddy moments.  Well done on setting a great example for all of the Preps!
1ALiam YFor his great efforts in trying to summarise part of the nonfiction text on volcanoes. Your confidence to have a go is growing and I’m very proud of you! Keep up the great effort, Liam!
1BLenny EFor doing much reading at home, Lenny’s ability to sound out new words has improved out of sight in the past 5 weeks and I’m very proud of him. Well done Lenny ‘Collingwood’ Eversteyn!
1CVictoria BFor her consistently amazing display of our Wembley value of empathy. Tori, everyone in 1C knows that you will help anyone in need and you showed this once again when caring for your sister at school this week. Keep it up Tori!
1DMaya AFor striving to build friendships with her classmates by showing kindness and empathy. Well done Maya, you are a 1D superstar!
2AMarko AFor his fantastic efforts in Maths.  Marko, you have done an amazing job in subtraction, particularly using the ‘forcefield strategy’ to perfection! What a brilliant mathematician!  Keep up the great work!
2BAmara KFor her resilience and passion for her culture!  Well done Amara!  It is beautiful to see you engaging in readings about your culture and sharing the beautiful traditions and understandings of Myanmar culture with 2B.  Thank you and keep up the amazing work! 
2CAtharv MFor demonstrating great fluency when performing reader’s theatre. Atharv, well done on taking on the narrator role and leading your group with such confidence, you did a fantastic job! Congratulations superstar.
2DNoah LFor being a leader and setting a good example for others. Noah, you have shown great leadership through your behaviour and attitude in class, and have worked hard in all you do. Well done and keep it up!
3ADesmond GFor your overall enthusiasm and effort with all your learning tasks this week. Des, it is clear that you’ve worked very hard on your fascinating facts presentation as well, and did an amazing job presenting to the class. I love seeing your positivity towards school and your learning. Keep up the absolute fantastic efforts, I am very proud of you!
3BLuca MFor being an inquisitive and hard working learner. Luca, you continue to show how much you care about your learning by asking great questions and sharing your knowledge with others. You did a fantastic job with our writing tasks this week. Keep up the awesome work! 
3CMillie SFor the empathy and respect you show to your peers and all of the Wembley community. Your friendship and kindness does not go unnoticed within the classroom. Well done Millie! 
3DFilip FFor making a smooth transition back into the classroom after your  European holiday. Filip, you have shown resilience and a growth mindset when approaching your school work. Keep up the great work! 
4AAlex HFor demonstrating the Wembley value of respect during our Wildlife Xtreme Incursion. You showed great listening skills and raised your hand to make some interesting comments and ask relevant questions. Well done Alex!
4BHugo CFor being a super supportive and helpful student, especially when assisting others with IT issues and questions. Hugo, you are always first to jump up and lend a hand and 4B is so lucky to have you! You are a star!
4CSylvie TFor always showing inclusion to others, both inside and outside our classroom. Sylvie, you make other people feel welcome and respected, and 4C is very lucky to have you! Keep up the fantastic work.
4DMilla GFor being such a respectful, kind and caring member of 4D. It is has been so great to have you in my class this year and I have really enjoyed teaching you. You always have a big smile on your face and ask about how I'm doing too, which teachers don't often get asked. I think that really shows what a wonderful and nice person you are, and I'm so proud of you! Congratulations and well-deserved, Milla!
5ALiam MFor his hard work, dedication and willingness to be challenged when completing work in our Time EL. Liam, you not only completed a heap of work in class, but took some home to practice too. You made huge growth in this area and that is down to your hard work - Awesome stuff!
5BRose GFor showing bravery and persistence when reading out loud for the class and for being a wonderful role model for your peers. Keep up the amazing work Rose!
5CKevin NFor an outstanding year of effort and achievement. You should be immensely proud of your hard work and commitment to growing as a learner. Well done Kevin!
5/6ALia DFor her thoughtful responses during our analysation of ‘The 13 Clocks’ and ‘The Princess Bride.’ Lia has been able to present her thoughts and ideas in a clear and conscientious manner, and has shown an increased confidence when contributing to class discussions. Well done Lia! 
6AMeabh CFor your consistently great work ethic in the classroom. Meabh, you always remain focused during class discussions and independent work which has reflected in your academic growth this year! Keep up the fantastic work!
6BLucas JFor your effort towards your focus and self-regulation. Lucas, it is clear that you are trying hard in the classroom. Keep up the great work!
6CCaelan GFor using a growth mindset when approaching new challenges. Caelan, your resilience is continuing to grow and have further positive outcomes on your learning. Keep it up legend!

James B (5/6A) won the EDFL Division 1 U10 grand final with his team, the Ascot Vale Panthers. This team was undefeated (in Div 1) throughout the entire season and beat Pascoe Vale 41-0 with James kicking a goal during the game.

Congratulations to James and his team!



9 Wembley students recently competed in the Victorian SnowSports Interschools Competition at Mt Buller.


Under trying weather conditions, Mia F (Yr1), Leo S (Yr1), Charlotte M (Yr2), Harrison G (Yr2), Charlotte G (Yr3), Filip F (Yr3), Angus B (Yr3), Harrison M (Yr4) and Oscar B (Yr5) raced across the Alpine Giant Slalom and Ski Cross disciplines as well as participated in the opening ceremony parade.


For 5 of the students it was their first ever ski race. 


Over 220 Schools compete annually in the event held at Mt. Buller. In recent years there have been just under 6,500 entries in the event across 9 disciplines. Competitors have the choice of Alpine Giant Slalom, Snowboard Giant Slalom, Snowboard Cross, Ski Cross, Moguls, Cross Country Classical, Cross Country Freestyle Relay, Slopestyle Ski and Slopestyle Snowboard.


The Interschools provides a great atmosphere for students of all ages and abilities to complete and share in the event. Any Wembley snow sports families interested in competing in coming years, feel free to reach out via the school. 


Well done to all 9 students for representing Wembley by modelling our school values and showing great sportsmanship. We are proud of your efforts.

Student Newsletter acknowledgements


We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.