Lindsey Delooze - Assistant Principal - Wellbeing and Disability Inclusion
Melanie Irons - Assistant Principal - Curriculum, Engagement and Wellbeing
Tom Penberthy - Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator
Lindsey Delooze - Assistant Principal - Wellbeing and Disability Inclusion
Melanie Irons - Assistant Principal - Curriculum, Engagement and Wellbeing
Tom Penberthy - Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator
The last couple of weeks have seen lots of fun events in school, including book week and this week sees the Year 4s head off on camp. It is so brilliant seeing the growth of all the children in school through these exciting events.
We are currently in the process of welcoming our new Preps for next year with some extra transition sessions planned in. We have also been visiting some of the Kinders to support in that transition process. Towards the end of Term 4 we will have our transition sessions for the whole school. We know this is an exciting time, yet can cause anxiety for some children. As normal we will be producing social stories to support with the step up days, but if you feel that your child may need a little more support please let your current class teacher or the wellbeing team know.
In week 10 we will be holding our termly SSGs for children who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). This term we are prioritising children who receive PSD (program for children with a disability) funding or for those that we are directed to by the Department of Education. There are a small number of children who have had SSGs at other points during this term, therefore for those families, we will be in touch about alternative times for early term 4. Just as a reminder, we have many children in school who have a diagnosis who do not have an IEP. If you have any questions about this, please reach out to the wellbeing team.
Finally we have been lucky enough to have money dedicated from fundraising events in school to be used to support some additional wellbeing resources. This funding has enabled us to start up a Year 1 Lego club, which has been a huge hit. We have also supplemented the resources we have at the quiet club, which have been a big hit with many of the children who attend.
We hope you all have a restful break from school and we look forward to a jam packed final term of 2023!
Next Thursday 14 September is R U OK? Day. R U OK? Day is an annual event to remind Australians to check in on the emotional wellbeing of our friends, family and colleagues if we see signs that someone may be struggling. The core message is ask someone, "Are you okay?" and genuinely listen to their response.
Next week, every class will be taking some time to talk about R U OK? Day. Children, just like adults, experience a wide range of emotions, and they may not always know how to express themselves. Teaching them about R U OK? Day can be a valuable opportunity to:
Some of the recommendations for how you can follow up at home:
Nurturing emotional wellbeing is an ongoing process, and R U OK? Day serves as a reminder to keep the conversation alive. By instilling the importance of empathy and open communication in our children, we can help them build resilience and a strong emotional foundation that will serve them throughout their lives.
Current Whole School Behaviour Focus - Celebrating Strengths and Differences
This week we have introduced our next behaviour focus: ‘Celebrating strengths and differences’ as part of our focus on the value of inclusion. Celebrating strengths and differences is about recognising and appreciating the unique qualities, abilities, and characteristics of individuals and groups, while also acknowledging and valuing diversity. It is about reducing discrimination and promoting inclusion, in addition to enhancing collaboration and fostering empathy.
Students have been learning about ways they can recognise and celebrate strengths and differences and learning and reading books about the strengths and differences that other people possess.
Students and Wembley staff are watching for examples of students celebrating people's strengths and differences and recording a nomination for these students. If your child comes home with an orange inclusion stamp, be sure to ask them what they did to earn this stamp.
Previous Whole School Behaviour Focus - Grow Who You Know
Over the previous two weeks, students have been learning about the behaviour of 'grow who you know' as part of our value of inclusion. Grow who you know is about encouraging students to expand the people they mix with so they can create more connections with different people throughout the school, from people in their class, to other students in other year levels and in the yard. By doing this students are given the opportunity to interact with people with different perspectives and interests to their own which can help to broaden their understanding of the world and see things from different perspectives which helps to reduce bias and fosters open-mindedness and empathy.
As part of these lessons, students looked at scenarios where they could expand who they spent time with. Students also learnt ways they could 'grow who they know' by playing or working with different people in the classroom and yard and showing an interest in other people by starting conversations with them and asking them questions. Classes also read books about interacting with different people and the benefits of this. Students were also given stamps and nominated for our Wembley Values Award when they were seen 'growing who they know'. We are thrilled to share that there were 240 nominations in the last fortnight for students modelling our value of inclusion and, in particular, our behaviour of 'grow who you know'. We are so proud to see so many Wembley students demonstrating these behaviours as we continue to learn together about how we can all be more inclusive.
A number of Wembley students have helped contribute to a video showing the different ways we can 'grow who we know'. This video has been shared with all students so they can practise this behaviour.
Last week, we had our first Disability Inclusion Profile meeting in school. It was a great meeting to be a part of, especially to see how the whole process runs. We are so appreciative of the family and the staff involved in this process and are delighted with the outcome of the meeting. The team are now moving onto building the case for our next profile meeting and building evidence profiles for some further students in school. We have made the decision that any child currently funded through PSD will not be transitioned to the new funding until term 3 2024 at the earliest (all children currently funded through PSD have to transition to the new system by the end of 2025).
We put this information into the newsletter last fortnight but incase you missed it: If you are a new family with a child starting Prep in 2024, we will have the first term to gather evidence if we feel that children require additional support in school. Adjustments need to be in place for at least 10 weeks before we can make an application and a child needs to fit one of the three pathways to consider an application. The pathways are: a diagnosed condition as specified by the Department of Education (this list does not include ADHD), a Vineland score of below 70, or a severe behavioural concern. If a child matches one of these three pathways then as a school we have to prove that we are putting in adjustments in a variety of domains (either at least 3 areas at an extensive level which means all the time, or 8 areas at a substantial level which means most of the time - see the domain table below).
If you have any questions about potential funding please reach out to Lindsey via an email to the school email address: Wembley.PS@Education.vic.gov.au
Breakfast club continues to run Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the eating area 8.30 - 8.55am. Last week we trialled homemade pear and orange juice which was an absolute treat and utterly delicious! Keep your eye out for different juices, which will be served on days when we have capacity to make it.
Last week we farewelled two of our amazing volunteers, Karen and Annette. Both of these wonderful people have given up their time every Tuesday for the past 18 months and they have done so much to help us. We are so sad to see them move on, but so grateful to have had them as part of our breakfast club journey.
River has unfortunately been experiencing some more health issues and is therefore taking another break from school. We wish her lots of love and hope she will be back in school soon.
Here are some Ginny pictures from last week...