Learning and Teaching

Assistant Principals: Katie McClue, Joel Magnabosco, Lindsey Delooze and Melanie Irons

Learning Specialists: Renee Johnson and Adriana Jankulovski

Classroom Learning


This term in Environmental Science classes, Year 3 and 4 students having been learning about ecosystems.  Jonah (3D) wrote a poem about fish within an ecosystem and the importance of protecting our environment.  Well done Jonah!  This is a magnificent poem. 

One Little Fish - By Jonah

If one little fish was gone then the reef is gone.

If one little fish is gone then the sadness is upon us.

If one little fish is gone then every fish is gone.

If I were that dish will you save me?


Prep students have been learning about the importance of different animals in their environment. Recently, Bec brought in her bee keeping equipment from home, and some students had the opportunity of trying on the suit! They had a great time pretending to look after bees!



This term, our Prep students have been learning all about money. They have been sorting coins, identifying some of their features, and using money to purchase items in play situations.

To celebrate the engagement and growth that all students showed throughout this Essential Learning, they found different ways to make $1 out of coins, took their money to the canteen (where they were greeted by a surprise worker) and each bought a Zooper Dooper with their dollar.

All students were able to explain why their coins equalled $1, and enjoyed eating their well-earned Zooper Dooper.

Book Week


Since the beginning of Book Week in Week 7, 3 different authors have come to Wembley to talk to our students about their writing processes and inspiration, and to share their stories.

Andy Griffiths, author of the Treehouse series, among many other children's books, kept our Year 1-6 students engaged for an hour of fun stories and jokes.

Mark Carthew, author of The Great Zoo Hullaballoo, had our Prep students moving, singing and dancing while sharing his love of words.

Danny Katz, author, and Mitch Vane, of the Little Lunch series, visited Wembley Primary School on Monday and Tuesday. Danny read one of the new stories from their series, then Mitch shared the process of how she illustrates each of the books. 

We would like to thank Andy, Mark, Danny and Mitch for coming out and entertaining our students while sharing their wonderful knowledge about writing.




If you made your way through our corridors during Book Week, you would have noticed that classroom doors had been decorated in the theme of a book chosen by the class. All teachers and students had input into what book was chosen and designing the door display. It was great to see so many wonderful children's books being celebrated with creative and colourful imagery and writing.



Book Week came to a close with one of the most anticipated days on the school calendar, the Book Week Dress Up Parade.

Our students and teachers really went all out this year, imagining, designing, purchasing and creating such wonderful costumes inspired by their favourite characters and texts. We would like to give a special thank-you to Tom Penberthy for the fantastic job that he did as MC of the parade.

Well done to all families for their support during the parade, and the efforts that were put in to make this such a successful morning.

Please see some photos taken at the book parade on the A Message from Vassie tab.


All ICAS Assessments have now completed for 2023. We would like to congratulate all students who participated on their focus, resilience and best efforts.

We will be in touch with all families when results are available online, and again when certificates arrive.

Camps, Excursions and Incursions 


On Tuesday 29th August and Wednesday 30th August, our Year 3 and 4 students participated in a Wildlife Xposure Incursion. As part of our Concept topic this term, we have been exploring native animals and vegetation. During the incursion, students encountered unique animals from around Australia including mammals, birds, marsupials, amphibians and reptiles. Students were able to touch and hold hand reared gliding possums. They interacted with parrots, lizards, frogs & turtles and confronted non-venomous pythons and marvelled at crocodiles! 




Last week our Prep students enjoyed their very first excursion at Wembley Primary School!

They set off to Animal Land Farm in Digger's Rest. They departed on the bus in the pouring rain, and travelled our big journey through the stormy weather, which was quite the adventure already! Much to their delight, upon arrival at the farm the sun joined in. Many students donned their gumboots and explored all that the farm had to offer. There were so many adventures to be had; tractor rides to feed the goats, alpacas & sheep, riding Snowflake the pony, milking Amber the dairy cow and visiting the Chook Pen. The students managed to dodge the rain all day, and the next down pour began as they clambered back onto the bus! What timing!


Some ultimate favourite activities were the 'Scoopin' the Poop' competitions and cuddling the newest bunny additions to the farm. A huge thank you to all of the parent helpers that supported  on the day, we are all so proud of the excellent representation of Wembley Primary School that our youngest students displayed throughout the entire day.


Please take your time to enjoy the photos and work samples below.


Year 5 & 6 Summer Sports Gala Day

On Wednesday 30 August, our Year 5 and 6 students attended the Summer Sports Gala Day. Although the weather didn't feel like summer, all students remained positive and put their best efforts into helping teams have fun on the day. Please read the following reflections, written by some of out sports leaders.



On wednesday 30th of August all the cricket teams walked down to Mcivor reserve for the ⅚ sport cricket gala day.

It was a rainy and wet day but we still played, everyone did so well on the day and had a good time.

Congratulations to our B team for winning all 4 games and winning the flag. They tried their best in the cold and rainy weather but still put on a show. Their highest score was 196 runs.

Good job to the C team who won 3 out of 5 games on the day, they were smashing runs and taking wickets. They did an amazing job coming third place.

Now for the A team, we won 4 games and Kingsville had won 4 games. It came down to the last match Kingsville vs Wembley. We won the bat toss and chose to bowl first. It was a great bowling innings, collecting 5 wickets. Now we were batting, we were off to a flier smashing 14 of 6. But our run ended when they got a wicket. We did an amazing job and came 2nd place behind Kingsville. Thank you to James and Josh who coached and organised it. 

Lucas and Henry



On Wednesday the 30th of August, all of the volleyball teams went to RecWest to compete. All of the teams tried their hardest and did well. All of the schools we played did amazing and all of the games were fun.

Footscray, Yarraville West, St Margaret Mary's all did great and made it a challenge for the Wembley teams to win.

All of the teams did amazing, trying their hardest and playing for Wembley. We placed 6th, 5th, 2nd and 1st. Wembley did great and we are so proud. 

The mixed A team did extremely well, winning the majority of their matches. 

After some close games, we made it to the finals. Everyone was so nervous and we began falling behind by so much. Until, the whole team began trying their hardest, pushing at the last 2 minutes. Slowly, we caught up.

Tying, losing, winning. Up until the last 10 seconds. 

We had a strong serve, everyone on the edge of their seats. A spectacular rally with Footscray, and in the last dying seconds we claimed victory by 1 point, it was an impressive set.

Congratulations to everyone who participated and a huge thank you to Mr Zammit and Tom for coaching us and supporting us through each match. 

Well done to all of the teams that represented Wembley.

Isla, Lily and Jacob



On Wednesday we played hot shots at Bayside Williamstown for the 5/6 Gala Day. 

We played Kingsville, St Leos, Footscray city and Yarraville West.

We played 8 rounds and won 6 of them.  We made it to the grand final but only lost by one game.

We were all disappointed but we still had fun. 

For another team, it was a challenging day but we eventually got through it and won all our games. For the grand final it was Wembley VS Yarraville West. We put up a tough competition and fortunately we won. And we all had fun.

Jensen and Hudson

Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge

The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge is now open and Wembley Primary School is excited to be participating again this year. The PRC application offers a range of exciting features including:

  • access to a library catalogue (including book images and blurbs)
  • a modern user-friendly interface
  • rewarding students with badges as challenge milestones are achieved
  • the option for students to mark books as a favourite, give them a star rating or complete a book review

The Challenge is open to all Victorian children from birth to Year 10 in recognition of the importance of reading for literacy development. It is not a competition; but a personal challenge for children to read a set number of books by 8 September 2023.


Children from Prep to Year 2 are encouraged to read or ‘experience’ 30 books with their parents and teachers. Children from Year 3 to Year 10 are challenged to read 15 books.


All children who meet the Challenge will receive a certificate of achievement signed by the Victorian Premier and former Premiers.


To read the Premier’s letter to parents, view the booklist and for more information about the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge, visit: https://www.vic.gov.au/premiers-reading-challenge.  Individual student logins have been provided to students.


Please direct any queries to this year’s PRC coordinator, Christine Kane.  


Happy Reading!