From the Principal's Desk

Congratulations to our North West PSSA Relay Team

Our team of Abby, Naomi, Sam and Harrison C had a great day last Wednesday in Tamworth, they made it to the finals and came 8th out of the whole North West. Well done to you all! I would like to say a special thanks to Matt Peterson for coming in and coaching our team for this event. 

Reminder of Bush Fire Procedures

Our school is in a bushfire prone area and is listed as Category 2 on the NSW Department of Education’s bushfire risk register.


To ensure the health, safety and welfare of students and staff, the department has determined that on days when NSW Rural Fire Service declares a Catastrophic Fire Danger Rating for the Uralla/Rocky River areas, our school will temporarily cease operations for the following day.


In addition, schools may be made non-operational due to changing higher risk conditions and advice from emergency services and the State Emergency Operations Centre.


We recommend that you download the Parent App (Audiri) and select to monitor advice from our school which will push notifications to you advising that the school is non-operational. We also recommend that you stay up to date with bushfire and grassfire activity by using the Hazards Near Me app (set a watch zone for your school area), and by monitoring local media. You can also review fire activity and alert levels on the RFS website.


The Fire Danger Rating does not mean there will be a bushfire, but rather weather conditions that could pose a high risk for a bushfire event. The measure is proactive to ensure staff, students and the community remain safe.


Our school will inform our school community after 4pm if there is a change to the operational status of the school for the following day. To assist the school in contacting all families please ensure that you have provided us with up-to-date contact details.

Bush Fest at NECOM Today

Yesterday, we participated in the Bush Fest event at the New England Conservatorium of Music (NECOM). Our music teacher, Jess Suann, has been working with our students each week work to prepare the two songs we performed, - Livin’ in the Bush by Paul Jarman and Kusimama by Jim Papoulis.  Thanks Jess for organising this opportunity for us!

Urgent - Can You Help Out With "Canteen"?

Our school P&C runs a very small "canteen" every Thursday for our students and staff.  The small profit made throughout the year, pays for a book prize at Presentation Day for every student in our school.  


At the moment, it seems that we only have one family who is able to help with canteen each week (thanks Erica and Matt). We completely understand that people work and this prevents families from helping out, but due to the low numbers of people able to help, the P&C may have to decide not to hold a canteen each week.  This may have to be fortnightly or in a worst case scenario, they may need to put this on hold until further notice.


All items are pre-frozen and so the orders only need to be placed in the pie warmer at the start of each day (Thursdays), and then the items need to be organised into bags from about 12.45pm for lunch at 1.00pm.


If you are able to help in any way, could you please contact Erica Peterson on 0422 054 475. Thanks in anticipation of your support.

Year 6 Check-in Assessments

Between now and the end of term, our students in Year 6 students will participate in the Check-in assessment. The Check-in assessment is a NSW Department of Education online literacy and numeracy assessment available to support schools to assess and monitor student learning. The assessment can supplement existing school practices to identify how students are performing in literacy and numeracy and to help teachers tailor their teaching more specifically to student needs.  All students complete a reading assessment and a numeracy assessment. Year 6 students will also complete a writing assessment for this first time.

Careers Expo Next Week

All of our students K-6 have been invited to join other local schools at a careers expo being held at Uralla Central School next Wednesday. The day is funded through a rural and regional grant.  All students attending the day will gain experience about different occupations, job prospects and learn about what training might be needed for their chosen career path.

Assembly - Thursday 21st September @ 2pm

Our next assembly will be held on Thursday 21st September from 2pm.  Please lock this date and time in.  As always, we welcome all members of our school community to come along and join us.

Presentation Day - Claiming the Date

Our 2023 Presentation Day will be held on Friday 8th December from 11am.  Please mark this on your calendar.  We will once again begin with our formal assembly where we will present awards and hear from our invited guests.  We will then have a short break and students will perform their drama production after this.

Sydney Excursion Payments are Due

Thanks again for keeping up to date with your Sydney excursion payments for our students in Upper Division.  We are looking forward to a great excursion next term.  As per our suggested payment plan, the last deposit is due on Friday 22 September, which is the last day of this term.  If all families could please ensure they have finalised their payments by the end of term, this would be much appreciated. As always, please contact me at the school if yo require any further information.

Changes to Lines Markings Outside the School

Last week, the lines marked on Thunderbolt's Way, at the front of the school, changed.  There are now double lines marked across the road in front of the turning bay.  Double lines mean that divers cannot cross these unless driving into a lane-way or entering another road. We encourage everyone to use the turning bay just past the school, to turn around and then park at the front of the school.


Have a great fortnight!


Brad Hunt
