Upcoming Important Dates and Information

Term 3
Monday 28th August
Grade 1 F G H I J Melbourne Zoo Excurion
Year 1 students will take an all "Aussie Adventure" through the wild Australian bush habitat at the Melbourne Zoo. This connects with our Geography Inquiry focus, identifying how people and animals are connected to different places and describe different ways that places (habitats) can be cared for.
Tuesday 29th August
Grade 1 A B C D E Melbourne Zoo Excurion
Year 1 students will take an all "Aussie Adventure" through the wild Australian bush habitat at the Melbourne Zoo. This connects with our Geography Inquiry focus, identifying how people and animals are connected to different places and describe different ways that places (habitats) can be cared for.
Wednesday 30th August to Friday 1st September
2023 Father's Day Stall
Our Father's Day stall will be held on Wednesday 30th August to Friday 1st September. All students will have the opportunity to purchase one gift for their parent, guardian, grandparent or another loved one. Gifts are valued at $5 each. Purchasing of gifts are not compulsory.
Please pay via Compass by Tuesday 29th August (unfortunately late payments can not be accepted).
Students will have the opportunity to purchase another gift on Friday 1st September if there are any left over items. Cash only for additional items.
Friday 1st September
Whole School Dress Up Day - 1st of September
Each year as a school we celebrate the CBCA Children's Book Week. This years theme is: Read, Grow, Inspire. As a school we will celebrate this on Friday the 1st of September. Foundation to Year 8 students are invited to dress up as their favourite character or author on this day. We will be holding a parade on our main oval at 9:15 am for our students in Foundation to Year 6. Families you are more than welcome to come to this parade and see all the amazing costumes. Have a wonderful day, Jess
Tuesday 5th September
Prep A B F G H Animal Land Farm Excursion
Our visit to the Animal Land Children's Farm will engage all our senses as we touch, feel, play and learn.
Students will need to bring a packed lunch and drink bottle and wear appropriate shoes/jacket
Thursdsay 7th September
Yr 2 A B G Group 2 Sleepover
Students will engage in the year 2 sleepover as part of the whole school camping program. This experience will prepare them for their experience in year 3 where an offsite school camping program is offered.
Students will be dropped off and signed in by an adult on the 7/09/2023 at 4pm. On the 8/09/2023 parents will be given the opportunity to pick their children up at 12:30 pm. Parents will need to pick their child up from the classroom and sign their child out. Otherwise students will dismissed as normal at 3pm on the 8/09/2023.
Tuesday 12th September
Yr 3 A B C D -Werribee Zoo Excursion
The Zoo program being undertaken will involve an indigenous focus and also link into our geography unit.
Students will need to bring a packed lunch and drink bottle and wear appropriate shoes/jacket
Buses will pick up the students from the school at 9:15am and return to school at approximately 2:30pm
Wednesday 13th September
Yr 3 E F G H- Werribee Zoo Excursion
The Zoo program being undertaken will involve an indigenous focus and also link into our geography unit.
Students will need to bring a packed lunch and drink bottle and wear appropriate shoes/jacket
Buses will pick up the students from the school at 9:15am and return to school at approximately 2:30pm
Thursday 14th September
Prep C D E I Animal Land Farm Excursion
Our visit to the Animal Land Children's Farm will engage all our senses as we touch, feel, play and learn.
Students will need to bring a packed lunch and drink bottle and wear appropriate shoes/jacket
Friday 15th September- 1.00pm Dismisal
Last day of term 3.
The last day of school for Term 3 is Friday, 15th September . Students will finish school on this day at 1.00pm.