ICAS Assessments

Upcoming dates for Year 3-6 ICAS
Please log into your personal parent payment account via ICAS to check which assessments you have enrolled your child/ren in; unfortunately, the school do not have access to your parent login details.
Please see the proposed sitting days for the six assessments below:
Mathematics | Wednesday 30th August - Year 3, 4 and 6 Thursday 31st August -Year 5 - Due to Production |
***Please note, these days have been determined around approved MVPS school events. Where approved MVPS sports ‘clash’ with in-school assessments, we will work with the PE team and classroom teachers to provide an alternate sitting session.
Technical requirements for ICAS:
Students are to bring their own headphones for the tests and/or connectable Roger device.
Year 3 students will be provided with a school owned iPad on the morning of the ICAS assessment to use during this time. This will be fully prepared for them in advance.
Year 4-6 students will need to use their own iPads during the ICAS period. Please make sure that all iPads are charged the night before to avoid issues on the test day. website: https://www.icasassessments.com/support-technical-requirements/
For any queries regarding ICAS, please contact Naomi Hoewel (naomi.hoewel@education.vic.gov.au)