Student Awards 

Student of the Week 25th August 2023

PrepAKKenolee E.For consistently showing such wonderful listening skills this week when learning about syllable division and subtraction. Keep it up Kenolee!
PrepBCLucas L.For working hard to write in your diary this week. Well done Lucas!
PrepBCIsabel D.For working hard during maths. You used manipulatives effectively to demonstrate subtraction equations. Well done Isabel!
PrepMCRebecca Y.For trying so hard to fingerspell and decode new words. You're a superstar Rebecca!
PrepWBAshod A.For displaying such a positive attitude in the classroom. Congratulations on the effort that you are putting into learning your key ring words recently. Keep up the great effort, Ash. We are so proud of you!
1 DGQuinley L.For trying so hard with the 'Floss Rule' in our MSL lessons this week. You have done so well Quinley. I am so proud of you! Keep up the brilliant effort. 
1 LPJamie M.For your amazing sentences about the young girl swimming with the dolphins. They were very descriptive and interesting to read. Keep up the amazing work, Jamie!
1 NAAlexis F.For using your inferencing skills to work out what the author has not said in the text! Excellent effort Alexis, keep it up!!
1NAScarlett C.For your resilience when faced with challenging tasks! You always continue to strive with a smile on your face! Well done Scarlett!!
1 VBJasper C.For doing an amazing job adding and subtracting ten. You presented your work neatly and made the most of your learning time. Keep it up Jasper!
2 CLGurfateh S.For showing an excellent improvement in your reading skills. You show great understanding of the text when answering both literal and inferential comprehension questions. Keep up the amazing work Gurfateh!
2 EBEmma A.For creating a fantastic and colourful fraction robot! You've shown a great knowledge of fractions and made it look wonderful. Keep up the great work, Emma!
2 MDAaryana R.For working really hard to include interesting verbs and adverbs in your procedural texts. You used the correct structure of a procedure and a variety of verbs and adverbs. Well don Aaryana, you are a super star!
2 SPLily R.For showing great understanding when completing your mindmap and graphic organiser during writing. You researched lots of interesting information about flamingos. Excellent effort, Lily! 
3 DPSophie C.For your brilliant story called The Big Flame. You included excellent word choices with interesting adjectives and vivid verbs.  Well done Sophie.
3 DSCameron V.For being an enthusiastic and hard working helper for Mr Symonds during garden club. Well done, Cameron! 
3 EBAustin H.For writing a thoughtful and detailed information report about Mexico. Keep up the amazing work, Austin!
3 LDAmelie S.For enthusiastically contributing your thoughts and ideas to class discussions. You have such a positive attitude to learning and always try your best. Keep up the fantastic work, Amelie!
4 MGJacob D.For working really hard in class. Your behaviour this week has been amazing! Awesome work Jacob.
4MGHana N.For your fantastic efforts when researching, planning, writing and editing an information report on Dawn Fraser. Impressive work Hana!
4 MPElouise F.For carefully researching important facts about Don Bradman. You have persisted with your learning and have worked hard to improve your sentences. Impressive effort Elouise!
4MPJoseph M.For developing your skills in understanding how to compare and contrast texts. You are learning how to use signal words to contrast. Keep it up Joseph!
4 SMDoris Z.For your thoughtful and insightful efforts when completing reading comprehension and writing tasks. You take the time to think about and carefully craft your responses. Well done Doris!
4SMAmelia D.For working really hard on her information report on Dawn Fraser. You persevered to up-level your writing and improve it. A great effort. Well done Amelia.
4 SODora J.For working diligently and taking on feedback positively to improve the standard of your work. You’re such a great role model for the class! Well done, Dora!
5 ARLeanna Z.For writing a fascinating information report on Vincent van Gogh! I can't wait to see the finished product! Keep it up Leanna!
5 BCRyan L.For writing such an interesting Information Report on ‘The History of Italy’. The vocabulary and details are so fascinating! Keep it up, Ryan!
5 DCZoe C.For being a highly motivated, enthusiastic and hard-working member of the class. You always try your best and produce terrific work. We just love having you in 5DC Zoe, keep it up!
6 FPLeila S.For working extremely hard to extend her mathematical understanding of percentages, decimals and fractions. Well done Leila!
6 JSArsheen K.For always working conscientiously to finish her work and for taking great care with her presentation. Keep up the great effort Arsheen! 
6 SCElisa N.For her diligent and thorough efforts in Shark Stalls. You are proving to be a wonderful leader and example in your group, Elisa.
6 TJAddison D.For playing a leading role in your Shark Stalls group. Your great ideas and focus on detail will ensure you have a successful stall. Well done Addison.

Student of the Week 1st September 2023

PrepAKHanna J.For taking great care in the formation of your letters. Keep it up Hanna!
PrepBCLydia G.For taking risks and having a go at writing the sounds you have learnt. Great work Lydia.
PrepBCBethany Z.For persisting with making your  toy camera with the Make-Do tools. Well done Bethany!
PrepMCMax L.For sharing your bright ideas about how to solve subtraction problems. You're a superstar Max!
PrepWBLyla L.For always being such a positive student who is responsible and hard working in the classroom. You always try your best in everything you do. Well done and congratulations, Lyla. 
1 DGLincoln W.For being such a helpful, valuable member of 1DG. You are consistently offering your assistance to myself and your peers. We are so lucky to have you in 1DG, Lincoln! You're a star. 
1 LPWilliam Z.For being an amazing mathematician during our subtraction on number lines lesson. You were able to identify and apply fact families to solve a range of equations. I am so proud of you, Will! 
1LPHarivaran S.For writing some amazing reasons about why you believe summer is better than winter. You inspire me, Hari! Keep it up!
1 NAHannah W.For your fantastic persuasive piece about why Legos are better than Barbies. You gave great reasons and followed the structure! Well done Hannah!
1NAAnita Z.For her great start at WHPS! You have done an amazing job settling in and contributing to class discussions. Well done, Anita!
1 VBPhoenix P.For working so hard on your reading and writing this year. It is wonderful to see how much you have learnt. Super effort Phoenix!
2 CLAidan T.For completing an excellent information report about burrowing owls. You organised your writing perfectly using subheadings and technical language that was put into your own words. Well done Aidan, keep up the amazing work!
2 EBDiyaan R.For consistently trying your best in all areas. You constantly give your best effort and are a role model to your peers. Keep up the great work, Diyaan!
2 MDLily L.For working hard to complete your information report about Zebras. You did a great job at researching your animal and you made sure you included adjectives in your report. Well done Lily, keep up the great work!
3 DPKayla W.For always being a diligent student. It is great to see your bubbly personality shine through more often. We love having you in 3DP Kayla!
3 DSAmber A.For bringing a bubbly and enthusiastic personality each day. You always put a smile on the faces of 3DS. You're awesome, Amber!
3 EBSenuth P.For being such a kind and friendly member of 3EB. You always help us and make us laugh. You're amazing, Senuth! 
3 LDXin Bei L.For your fantastic research skills. You were focused and worked hard to find information about swimming. Your dot points were very concise. Keep up the amazing work Xin Bei!
4 MPRithvik G.For working hard to develop your division skills. Impressive effort, Rithvik!
4MPBelinda M.For improving your skills in how to compare and contrast various texts. Amazing reading work Belinda!
4 SOAiden M.For having a more positive attitude towards your learning, especially in Writing. Well done, Aiden!
4 SODehan M.For using feedback to improve your learning. Well done on showing more maturity in your learning. Keep up the great work, Dehan!
5 ARJodies L.For always being a diligent student. You always put in your best effort with everything you do! Fantastic job Jodies!
5 BCHareeshan N.For always being a kind and caring member of our class. We are so lucky to have you in 5BC! Keep shining bright Hareeshan!
5 DCAngela W.For a superb effort in all class activities. Angela, you always try your best and complete outstanding work in every subject area. Keep it up!
5 TLNini Z.For being incredibly helpful to everyone during our Inquiry unit. We all appreciate your positive attitude and slime making expertise. Well done Nini.
5TLAustin S.For putting so much effort into showing all the school values recently. You have been accepting, respectful, honest, responsible and resilient. Keep up the great work mate. 
6 FPCara D.For working positively and cooperatively with members of her Shark Stall group, contributing to preparations for 'The Brownie Bar'.  Well done Cara.
6 JSIsabel K.For always working conscientiously on her set tasks and for taking great pride in the presentation of her work. Keep up the positive attitude Isabel!
6 SCShannon L.For her cheery and optimistic attitude in the classroom. Your smile and laugh are contagious! Well done Shannon!
6 TJAarav S.For always putting in 100% effort into your work, and with a smile on your face. You are a valued member of 6TJ Aarav.