From the Principal

The view from my window this week: Maths Scavenger Hunt fun!

We have a new Instagram account!

Keep up to date with the wonderful world of Banyule Primary School by following us on Instagram @ banyuleps


The Parent Opinion Survey is now underway. Surveys have been sent to a random sample of families, generated through the school software system. Thank you to those families who have already completed the survey, the feedback is really important to the school to help guide our future directions. At this stage we have only had around 50% of families invited actually complete the survey. If you have received an invitation we would really appreciate you taking some time to complete it so we can gather as many views as possible from our community. The survey closes on Friday 8th of September. We will look to share some data from this survey with the community next term.


Helpers are still needed for the Sausage Sizzle on Wednesday the 13th of September. 

Many hands make light work, so If you can assist on the day, please contact Nicola Hainsworth on 0424 408 225.

You can order and pay for the sausages through the Qkr! App


The building program is progressing as planned (all on track for May 2025). Massive amounts of earth works have been undertaken for footing excavation and inground civil works. The slab is due to be poured next week.  We have also had some plans drawn up for the landscaping works around the front of the school and look forward to those commencing soon.  


Such a wonderful week at BPS!


A big thank you to the students, staff and parents for embracing the Literacy and Numeracy day dress up fun. It was great to see so many of you in the gym on Wednesday to share the merriment with us.