Feast Day

Last Friday we celebrated St Helena's Feast Day.  We started the day off with our students coming together with their Buddy Classes to watch a PowerPoint all about St Helena's life.  They then worked together on their Buddy Activity of drawing and writing messages on camp and keep cups. Coles generously donated soups that were placed inside the cups.  These will be distributed to Christian agencies for distribution to those less fortunate.

The school then came together to celebrate Mass where we celebrated the life of our patron saint, St Helena.

After Mass each class spent time setting up their stalls and then they were free to enjoy all the different games and activities that were on offer.  We were blessed with a beautiful day and our students had lots of fun playing mini golf, decorating cookies, enjoying the popcorn and brownie stalls and playing guess the lollies in the jar and the chocolate ring toss game.

Students enjoyed a sausage sizzle and juice box for lunch provided by the P & F. After lunch students used coins to make a money snake on the basketball courts.  We are so proud of the way our students conducted themselves on Feast Day and their generosity, we raised an amazing $2,583.50 in total which will be donated to various Christian agencies to help those in need.