From the Principal's Desk...

Dear Parents and Carers


It's Time! I urge all families to make the effort to attend our Learning Journey for 2023 at St Helena's Catholic Primary School. Come along and have a look at what is happening in your child/ren's classroom and specialist classes. Come and enjoy the Book Fair set up in the Library. Appreciate and enjoy the Art Exhibition in the Undercover Area, admiring the student's creative visual arts talents. We also have our Choir and Liturgical Dance performances on during the afternoon to celebrate the many talents we have at SHCPS.


Thankyou to the staff and students involved in preparing our wonderful Assumption Mass and Feast Day Mass and the Feast Day activities and the Parish School Mass on Sunday.

We raised over $2500 from our Feast Day activities on Friday which we will be donating to various charities. Well done everyone! There were some awesome activities and lots of fun had by all! Our Great Book Swap yesterday saw 262 books sold with proceeds going to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. Thanks Mrs Hutchinson for coordinating this initiative. Our generosity at St Helena's is wonderful.


Congratulations to all involved in One Big Voice on last Friday evening. Thank you Miss Panaia, Miss Hearn, Miss Myles and Mr Vine for attending and assisting on the evening, along with all the parents and guardians who committed to attending and transporting the students. From all accounts it was a spectacular evening! Our choir were once again amazing!


All the best to our Creative Movement dancers this evening, performing in the Performing Arts Festival and to our Year 4 students performing on Friday as the Year 4 Choir Ensemble.


We welcome Suganya Sampathkumar on to staff at SHCPS this week, in the role of Special Needs Education Assistant.


Next week we celebrate Book Week at SHCPS. The Book Week Parade will take place on Tuesday 29 August at 8:45am. There are various activities planned for the week. Thanks Mrs Clark and Mrs Turpin for your efforts. Very exciting!


We are 'reel' excited for our Father's Day Breakfast and Liturgy coming up on Friday 1 September at 7:30am. All our fathers and father figures are welcome to come along. Hope to see you all there!


Please take the time to refer to our School Notices page for further information of what is coming up in the next couple of weeks.



At our St Helena's Feast Day Mass last Friday, we unveiled that we would spend the next 12 months celebrating 25 years of Catholic Education at St Helena's. Take the time to have a listen and view a brief history of our wonderful school. Doing 'Something Beautiful for God' since 1999!


Click here for a brief history or St Helena's Catholic Primary School, providing a Catholic Education in Ellenbrook since 1999.




Peace & Happy Days!


Santino Giancono
