Primary News

This term in Math as a school we have introduced classes to the game of Numero. Numero is a card game where players use their mathematical knowledge and mental computation skills to try and beat their opponent. Over the next few newsletters we will be sharing some information about this game and some of the ways that we are using it as a school.
What does Numero teach?
Numero can quickly become an integral part of any class mathematics program, from junior primary grades through to secondary mathematics classes. In its early levels, Numero develops:
· basic number recognition from zero to 15
· basic number facts of all four operations
· speed of recall.
As the game develops and players move to more difficult levels with the introduction of Wild Cards, additional concepts and skills are developed and reinforced including:
· fractions
· decimals
· percentages.
At its higher levels, with the introduction of more wild cards and scoring, Numero continues to challenge minds and develop concepts such as:
· squared and cubed roots
· multiple equations
· point scoring.
At all levels of Numero there is a high level of problem solving and understanding of strategy which develops from basic stages with young students to complex moves that will challenge the brightest mathematical mind.
Numero continues to challenge. Because the game develops with a player’s mathematical understanding, it always provides a new and unique challenge to the players, and, like all ‘great’ games, just keeps on keeping on.