
Foundation students have continued to investigate what changes occur in our body when we exercise, and this week focused on how thirsty we get and the need to rehydrate our bodies to remain healthy.


Grade 1/2 have enjoyed their investigations and research into all things Ants! 

We have been drawing detailed and labelled diagrams of the ant, and in the following weeks, the children will conduct an inquiry investigation about a mini beast of choice.



Grades 3/4 have been very excited to come into the Science room and discover that after four weeks, some of their eucalyptus seeds have germinated. 

They are amazed at how small the seeds were, how tiny their germinated seeds are in comparison to how big eucalyptus trees can grow into!


Grades 5/6 have continued their investigation into how salt in the water supply can affect the growth of plants. 

They have planted lettuce or chinese cabbage, and we are watering with different salty solutions. 

The children have been measuring the growth of the plants, and their health and recording the data to be graphed and presented on a data /investigation results sheet, where they will also have to record their conclusions.