Principal's message

Pope Francis,the head of the Catholic Church here on Earth, reminds us that we need to look after the world. He has written a letter to everyone in the world called ‘Laudato Si’ and has asked us all to take care of our common home, the world. 

Pope Francis says that climate change affects us all, but it is the poorest communities who will suffer the most.


In Pope Francis’ letter, he asks us to care for the earth by doing three things; live wisely, think deeply and love generously. If we all do this, we can heal the world and turn climate change and the harm that it causes around.


Beginning this Friday, World Day of Prayer, we begin a Season of Creation. Our Pope Francis has asked us to spend time from this day, the 1st September to the 4th October praying, thinking and doing things that show a love and care for all creation.

Each class will be given a Seasons of Creation calendar, students can have their own calendar for home if they would like. Each day through September 1 to October 4th St Francis of Assisi’s Feast Day, you are invited to complete one of the actions listed to help create a habit of caring for the Earth. 

These will be handed out later in the week.


Let us pray to our God now that this will be a time where good intentions to care for creation, what we say we would like to do will lead to a change in hearts and minds so that we stop and think and act out of a genuine care and even love of Creation.


God our Father, guide us and empower us now and over the coming weeks with your Holy Spirit that has the power and love to make all things happen.

We ask this through Christ our Lord .

All : Amen




Dear Parents 


It appears everyone had an amazing book week day parade last Friday, and as always there were many creative costumes to entertain everyone.  

The children also enjoyed the opportunity to work cross-age in the grouping with various teachers as they explored the nominated Book Council award books even further.  

Thank you to Kate Bell for coordinating this event for us, and for all staff for getting behind it with such enthusiasm.  


Staff changes.  

This week we welcome Elena Keir back to St. Bernard’s  Elena has been on maternity leave and this week resumes her teaching in the grade five /six class with Kellie Symons.  


We have several staff leaving us at the end of the year.  


Leigh Symons, our deputy will leave St. Bernard’s at the end of the year to take up the position of Head of Junior School at Cathedral College.  

Leigh has been with us since the start of the year. We wish Leigh all the best at Cathedral.  


Louise Gulliford, our Performing Arts teacher will leave us at the end of term to take up a position outside of education. 

We wish Louise all the best with her new adventure. 


Kylie McIlroy has decided to take 12 months leave for 2024. 


Our school community will  farewell and thank these teachers for their service at an appropriate time later in the year. 


We will begin recruiting for replacement staff this week. 



The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated by our children next term in week 5.  The sacrament of Reconciliation is for children who are baptised and  usually in grade 3.  These children will then receive  the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation  in 2024.  A letter will be sent  out later in the week for those children in grade three for parents to decide if they would like to have their children participate in the Sacramental program. 


Advisory Council meeting/School Board.

Tuesday 5th September @ 6pm


School Sports This Friday.

Our school sports will be at the Appin Park athletic track this Friday.  

Children are to wear their team colour in their shirts and their normal school sports shorts.  

We do NOT encourage the children to dress in fancy dress for their colour, rather this is a proper athletics day where every child participates in all the events for their team colour to gain points for their team.  

We do encourage the wearing of a tshirt with a collar if possible for sun safety.  

Please remember to remind your child to pack their school hat for sun protection, extra drink bottles & food for the day as there will be no lunch orders available. 


The first event starts at 9.45 after the cheering by each team colour. 


A schedule for the events is attached to the newsletter on the St.Bernard's Athletics Carnival page.  

Please feel welcome to pop down to the sports ground to cheer your child along.  It’s a great day for everyone!



Thank you.


Have a great week, everyone!


Patricia Boak
