




FMMandy FletcherPersistenceKatherine and I were super proud of your persistence with the extra challenging maths problem. We loved how you wouldn’t give up and kept trying different combinations. You are a maths superstar! 
12ARiaane and NatalieHeidi PersistenceHeidi, your persistence in reading and your wholehearted embrace of learning has truly stood out this week. Keep up the fantastic work!
34BBecHarrison TPersistenceFor your persistence in completing your persuasive writing task. You can achieve so much when you put your mind to it! Well done, keep it up!
56SSonyaLuke DPersistenceFor planning and performing a great rap as part of your political party presentation. You grabbed the audience’s attention and persuaded them to believe in your party.
56DDaniel/BecMatilda BPersistenceFor persisting with your political speech presentation. You were outside your comfort zone but you challenged yourself and produced a wonderful, confident speech. Super effort!
STEMKylieEli BB 3/4SPersistenceEli, you have shown determination in STEM classes, not giving up when a task becomes challenging. It has been wonderful to see your sense of achievement when you have seen a problem solved. Keep up those great problem solving skills!
Visual ArtsAshleaMila WPersistenceFor persisting with your Art projects. You have consistently given your best work each work this year. It is fantastic to see you working your best and creating some amazing pieces. Well done!