From the Principal 

Rural educational excellence through innovation, passion and collaboration


Ngala kaadatj nidja Nyoongar Ballardong Boodja

We acknowledge this is Nyoongar Ballardong Country

Open Day

We are all geared-up and ready to open our gates to the public this Friday. Staff and students are busily putting the final touches on what is set to be one of our best Open Days to date!


We have a large number of industry exhibitors attending and I have been encouraging all of our students to take the time to go around and talk to them about post-school opportunities. The exhibitors are very keen to engage with our students, because as we know, Cunderdin Ag graduates are highly sought after.


Our digital program is available by clicking on the booklet image. For those interested in tuning in to Triple M on the day and listening to the live broadcast and student interviews, the details are at the rear of the Chatter. Looking forward to celebrating all things Cunderdin Ag and hope to see you there!   

Harvester Set-Up Workshop

We are fortunate to partner with GRDC and the Facey Group and will be hosting an industry harvester set-up workshop on Friday 22 September 2023 (last day of term).


Not only is this strengthening our partnerships with industry, but it also provides a unique opportunity for our students to engage in.


Topics to be covered include improving harvester/combine performance, loss measurement and calibration, reducing header front loss, feeder house set up, optimising trashing system, set up by brand (Class, Case, JD, NH), cleaning area (chaffer), harvest weed seed control, harvest fire suppression and grain storage and hygiene storage.


All students will have an opportunity to submit an EOI to attend. Student places are limited, and priority will be for Year 12 students, incoming Certificate III students, students from cropping farms or those who show a keen interest in grains. Students also need to be up to date with their class, trades and farm work to be eligible. Students can put their name on an EOI list at the front office.


This is also a great opportunity for parents to participate in this workshop given it coincides with end of term pickups.

Drought Resilience Challenge

At the beginning of this term in partnership with GGA and the South-West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub, we rolled out the Drought Resilience Challenge for our Year 12s to participate in.


Students are challenged to design an innovative tool, system or solution that will increase future economic, environmental and social resilience of WA farmers in a hotter, drier and more variable climate.


With fantastic prize money on offer, there is great incentive for students to showcase their innovative and creative talents! Below is the challenge document to discuss with students. Submissions close on Monday of Week 10.

First Prize$1000
Second Prize$700
Third Prize$300


Well done also to all of the students who attended the College Ball on Saturday. You all looked great, enjoyed the evening and represented the college to the highest of standards. A great night indeed!


Matt Dowell
