Principal's Update

Caring Learning Growing: Every Child Every Day

Dear Families,


The last day of Term 2 has arrived. At the beginning of the term, 11 weeks seemed like forever, and yet here we are at the end of a term that has flown.


I thought about listing everything we have done or achieved this term but it would go on for pages.


Reports have been released via PAM. Please take the opportunity to sit with your children and celebrate their achievements and efforts. Talk to them about what they see as their strengths and their challenges. They are working hard on so much, every day.


Some important reminders for Term 3:


Student-led conferences will be held in Weeks 2 and 3.  These will be released for families to book in Week 1.


Real Schools Family Night. Tuesday, July 16, 5 - 6 pm. Supervision for children is available.


I would also like to thank all the staff for an incredible term. As a Principal I am so lucky to have staff who are so committed to our children. This includes all teaching staff, our Learning support staff, Lisa as Assistant Principal, Jane and Anna in the office, and Linda in the library. Every one of these adults puts the children first in all they do. 


I wish all our families a safe and restful holiday break.


Stay well and we will see you in Term 3.













