👷VET Pathways & WPL

VET Pathways & Workplace Learning
The Year 10 students have started the process of exploring the subjects that may be of interest to them in Years 11 & 12. In Week 10, the Year 10 students will spend a week exploring different opportunities from guest speakers, to the Careers Expo, Explore a Career morning and Careers Carousel.
Work Experience Opportunities
The Defence Work Experience Program is pleased to announce a new program: Drone Operator Work Experience with the Australian Army at Irwin Barracks on 24 October 2024. A Drone Operator is a combat-focused role that acts as the eyes on the battlefield. This program is open to students who are actively studying a subject relating to drones. This may include, but is not limited to; students studying a certificate in Aviation (Remote Pilot), an elective relating to drones, or are engaged in a drone program outside of school. All work experience placements are open to students aged 15-24.
Students can apply via this link:
Army Drone Operator: Irwin Barracks (nga.net.au)
Applications close Sunday 25 August
Apprenticeship Opportunities 2025
Over the next few months, many companies will be releasing their apprenticeship programs for 2025. Sign up to SEEK/Indeed to have daily opportunities sent to your son’s email.
All boys are welcome to organise a meeting with me to practice interview answers. A great resource is https://www.youthcentral.vic.gov.au/jobs-and-careers
Perth Tradie Expo & Recruit WA
The Perth Tradie's Expo is happening from 14-16 June. It offers Year 12s the opportunity to meet with employers to see what employment opportunities will be available in 2025 within their businesses. Keep an eye on the website to see what companies will be there over the coming months.
Construction Training Fund
Construction Training Fund is creating a skilled and sustainable workforce for the Western Australian building and construction industry. We collect a training levy and use it to reduce the cost of training a diverse, job-ready workforce and educate the next generation about the variety of exciting roles and opportunities on offer in our industry. Visit https://ctf.wa.gov.au/ to see the opportunities available to our students. The scholarship program closes on 31 August 2024.
Support for parents/guardians
The Jobs and Skills WA website is a one-stop shop of Western Australian vocational education and training, to help find the best option for you. All enquiries related to training, career development, Aboriginal services and employer services are available through JSWA - call 13 6464 Thornlie or Midland
Apprenticeship Support Australia
Apprenticeship Support Australia’s services are focused on lifting apprenticeship commencement and completion rates through the provision of support at every stage of the employment cycle.
Job-seekers, school students and apprentices can all receive ongoing support including career advice, job matching, and ongoing mentoring and support.
Skillsroad.com.au is regarded as Australia’s number one destination for independent career advice. This free website offers a Career Quiz, over 350 career profiles, 360 Virtual Workplaces, a Job-Fit test to assess work-readiness and career compatibility and other online tools and resources for students and job-seekers as well as their parents, teachers and employers.
Perth Skillswest Careers & Employment Expo
The Skillswest Expo (25th-27th July) is for school students, parents, teachers, graduates, job seekers, people looking for courses and workers seeking new training options.
•Talk with over 100 training organisations & employers
•Get Free Career advice
•Enjoy the daily Career Seminars
•Learn how to write a winning resume
•Talk with key organisations at the CTF Construction Hub
•Find your ideal role at the Australian Defence Force Display
•Experience the Try a Skill Interactive Displays
•See the WA WorldSkills Regional Competition
Find details HERE.
VET IN School Opportunity for 2025
Are you interested in becoming a plumber or painter? The Master Plumbers Association are offering pre-apprenticeships for 2025.
MPA Skills offers a Pre-Apprenticeship for those still attending school and who want to participate in the program during Year 11 and Year 12. The Certificate II qualification counts towards a student’s final results at school including the work placement component. This program is delivered 1 day per week from Terms 1 to 3 and includes 152 hours (Plumbing) and 150 hours (Painting) of work experience. Work experience is usually completed during school holidays or exam breaks, or some schools will allow their students to complete their work experience on an additional day during the week.
This is offered at John Forrest High School or MPA Skills Jandakot.
Students must have a C Grade average to enrol for the School-Based Pre-Apprenticeship courses.
Enrolment Process:
- Prior to enrolment, students MUST discuss their intention to enrol with their VET Coordinator/School.
- Students should not enrol without consent from their school.
- Enrolment for both courses for DTWD (Plumbing & Painting) is completed via the MPA Skills website.
- Enrolment for the CTF courses must be completed through the CTF portal.
- Students MUST supply MPA Skills with a birth certificate/passport and their latest school report.
These documents must be uploaded during the enrolment process as stated on the website. Without these documents, your application will not be accepted. See Mrs Johnson - applications close in August.
Lauren Johnson
VET and WPL Coordinator