From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff and Friends of Mazenod College


“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me” (Matthew 25: 40)


This Gospel passage formed the inspiration for our recent Year 7 Oblate Heritage Pilgrimages designed and facilitated by our Director of Faith and Mission, Mr Damian Wallis. The pilgrimages gave the students an opportunity to hear the stories and experiences of three prominent Oblates in and around the Fremantle area namely; Fr John Flynn OMI, Br Ignatius Hannick OMI and Fr David Shelton OMI. The students were escorted through the Fremantle Prison, joined in the celebration of Mass at the Basilica of St Patrick and visited St Patrick’s Community Centre, where the Oblates shared their ministries.


Such experiences provide our young students with great insight and understanding of the dedication of our Oblates to those who need to be cared for. The story of Fr John Flynn OMI in serving those suffering Spanish Flu at Woodman Point is ironic, given this site is where the Year 7’s enjoyed their camp earlier in Term 1 and is a wonderful story of care and compassion. Mr Wallis shared a message with the pilgrims about Fr Flynn to the Year 7’s citing his courage, serving those in most need;


Fr John Flynn OMI’s story is one of great courage and determination to serve those in great need. On three occasions Fr Flynn runs towards danger, to comfort and give spiritual support to the patients who had the Spanish Influenza over 100 years ago.

Fr John Flynn OMI had a generous heart, always putting others before himself.


Our parents are models for putting their children before themselves. Until recently, I wasn’t aware of the Global Day of Parents and its observation on June 1 each year. The United Nations General Assembly established this day to express international awareness about the importance of parenthood and to promote the healthy development of children by their parents.


I share this quote from Pope Francis on the occasion of Parent's Day;

Parents must contemplate God’s way of acting! God loves young people, but He does not hide them from every risk, challenge, or suffering. God is not overprotective. He trusts young people and calls each of them to live and fulfil their mission. (Pope Francis)


A special way that we celebrate the love and compassion of our parents and parent figures in our lives is our annual 'Mothers and Mentors' events. In recent weeks we have recognised and shared the special women in the lives of our Year 7 and Year 10 students. We were again reminded, in the words used by Fr Joe Antony OMI in his homily at this time last year, that;


“Motherly love is a beautiful icon of God’s love and tenderness”.


Today as a College, we farewelled two staff members who we are saddened to see departing, but thank Mrs Angela Zaknich, who has been with us for the past eight weeks in our Performing Arts area, and Mrs Kylie Eaton. Mrs Eaton has been an integral member of our Career Development staff since 2017, overseeing and developing major areas of influence such as the MyPath program, Career counselling and the introduction and facilitation of the Curtin UniReady program, to name but a few. Words fail to acknowledge our appreciation for Mrs Eaton’s contributions to our College community, most importantly for her dedicated service to our students and as a wonderful staff member. We wish both Mrs Zaknich and Mrs Eaton, our prayers and best wishes for their future endeavours.


In concluding this article, I ask you to keep me and four other members of our community, along with several others from the eastern states, in your prayers over the next few weeks. Mrs Vicky Pulford, Mr Elliot Stone, Mrs Ellita De Nardi, Fr Bill Ousley OMI and I will be participants in the inaugural De Mazenod Family Charism Pilgrimage to the birthplace and places of significance in the life of St Eugene.


“People need people — we all need people. Loneliness can be as bad as hunger” (Br Ignatius Hannick OMI, who started St Patrick's Community Support Centre in Fremantle in 1971).


God bless.


Simon Harvey
