Student Awards  - Term 2


"Be Positive"


FOUNDATION B - Ruhi S for her positive attitude and always seeing the positive in others. Her big smile makes everyone feel great. Thanks Ruhi for being such a great member of our class.

FOUNDATION B - Leanna M for working on being more positive in class and for developing her independence.


FOUNDATION G - Zechariah G for developing his independence and for trying new things. Well done, Zechariah!

FOUNDATION G - Harper T for always showing kindness and compassion to her peers. You are a valued member of our class. Well done, Harper!


FOUNDATION L - Mackie V for bringing her friendly and cheerful attitude to our class each day to help make Foundation L a happy place to be!

FOUNDATION L - Charli-Raie S for bringing her friendly and cheerful attitude to our class each day to help make Foundation L a happy place to be!

FOUNDATION L - Enzo F for his enthusiastic engagement and consistent effort across all learning areas, actively participating in every lesson with dedication.


YEAR 1/2E - Ethan P for having a positive attitude during Inquiry learning and asking questions to help connect his understanding of Science concepts. 

YEAR 1/2E - Federico N for responding to challenges in a positive way and trying to work out the best solution.


YEAR 1/2PH - Olivia K for always working cooperatively with a team to complete a task.

YEAR 1/2PH -  Adriana L for listening to instructions to write an amazing information report about lions.


YEAR 1/2D - Eddy N for displaying a positive attitude towards learning tasks!!

YEAR 1/2D -  Brandon D for displaying a positive attitude towards his classmates and learning tasks!!


YEAR 1/2K - Jacob K for displaying a positive attitude to all learning tasks.

YEAR 1/2K -


YEAR 1/2M - Sefam C for always displaying a positive mindset and facing challenges with a big smile. Keep shining!

YEAR 1/2M -  Wilson K for his positive attitude towards his learning this week. Well done, Wilson!



YEAR 1/2FM - Shanaya S for always approaching her activities with enthusiasm! Well done Shanaya!

YEAR 1/2FM - Harvey S for the happy smile he displays when entering our classroom and when sharing his ideas with his classmates. Well done Harvey, you are a superstar! ⭐


YEAR 3/4B - Henry V for always trying his very best each day and having a positive attitude towards his learning!

YEAR 3/4B - Mimi K for always having a positive attitude to her learning. Keep up the fantastic work!


YEAR 3/4C -  Brayden K for bringing a positive attitude to all subjects and tasks, and being a supportive classmate. Keep it up Brayden!

YEAR 3/4C -  Bosco T for bringing a positive attitude and sense of humour to all areas of his learning.


YEAR 3/4S-  Mali P for the positive way he interacted with his close peers this week, by supporting and encouraging others in their achievements! Thank you Mali!

YEAR 3/4S-  Victoria S for the positive way she responds to new tasks, giving things and go and always asking for help!


YEAR 3/4KC- Ayla E for the positive way that she approaches her school day and spreads joy in our class. Thank you Ayla!

YEAR 3/4KC-  Gracie S for the wonderfully positive way that she has approached her learning this year. Keep up the fantastic work Gracie!


YEAR 3/4M - Ella D for your unwavering optimism and constant smile. Your positivity is an inspiration to all of us.

YEAR 3/4M - Isla M for showing understanding and kindness to others. Keep it up, it is so wonderful!


YEAR 5/6K - Jordan A for showing a positive attitude towards his learning and being a great friend. Well done, Jordan. 

YEAR 5/6K - George M for coming to school each day with a bright and positive attitude. You are a valued member of the class. Well done, George. 

YEAR 5/6K - Mila W for being a good friend and seeing the positives in those around you. Well done, Mila. 


YEAR 5/6MV - Tyler H for beginning to develop his confidence to share his ideas and ask questions during whole class discussions. We love hearing your thoughts Tyler, keep itup! 



YEAR 5/6R - Sienna M for proactively seeking and applying feedback to improve her understanding in all areas of learning. Keep up the awesome work Sienna! 




YEAR 5/6S - Sarah D for using a positive mindset to take on challenges, understanding this is a big part of developing her learning. Amazing effort !!! 😀



YEAR 5/6P - Georgia M for the enthusiastic way in which she approaches her learning. Keep it up Georgia!

YEAR 5/6P - Josh L for his enthusiastic attitude towards his learning and his desire to always improve. Keep it up Josh!