Principal's News

June  Keystone

"Be Positive" 

Dear Families,

I hope you all had a great long weekend over the King's Birthday holiday and enjoyed the time to take a bit of a breather from the hustle and bustle.


The 5/6 staff and Andrew have been working with the Year 6 children and their families to commence the preparation for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation that they will undertake in August.


Preparations and rehearsals (for leading characters) have begun for our long awaited school production which will be held on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th September at the Moorabin Town Hall.

Please mark these dates on your calendar, as we need all children to participate in the school production. Rehearsals for class acts will commence in Week 1, Term 3 and more information will be sent home at the beginning of next term.


We will be having our first Foundation Fun Night tonight with all our prep families and are looking forward to sharing some pizza and some games together and creating some strong connections.


Term 2 ends on Friday 28th June at 1.30 p.m. We will finish our term with an assembly on Friday 28th  June at 1.00 p.m. in the undercover area. Team Kids will be operating from 1.30 p.m. on the last day of term.


Have a wonderful holiday!!! Stay warm and safe!!!!


Term 3 commences on Monday 15th July at 8.50 a.m.



Teaching staff will be involved in professional learning with Maths expert, Michael Minas, investigating and developing best practice for teaching Maths problem solving skills to children from foundation to year 6.


If you need care for your child on Friday, please book directly with Team Kids for a place in their full day care program on Friday 21st June 2024.


Please remember to book in for a parent teacher interview with your child's teacher on either 25th or 26th June between 1.45 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. If you need help to book in a time please call the school office on 9551 1150. 


School will finish for students at 1.00 p.m. on both the 25th and 26th of June to allow for staff to meet with parents. Again if you need care for your child on these days please book directly with Team Kids.


Unfortunately our onsite St Mark's uniform shop will be closing at the end of this term. We need to say an enormous thank-you to Kim who has run our uniform shop on her own this year and with other dedicated parents over previous years. We need to thank all those generous parents who have run our St Mark's uniform shop over the years. 


MACS financial recording and process requirements to run our uniform shop onsite have become far too cumbersome and detailed for volunteers to be expected to undertake. It would be an enormous task to adhere to the protocols required for recording stock levels and cash flow and therefore we have decided to cease operating our onsite shop.


Second hand uniform will still be available from the office at anytime and we will keep a supply of new school hats for families to purchase from the office.

Beleza Uniform Shop Holiday Hours:

Please be advised that all Beleza Retail Store will be closed for the first week of the upcoming school holidays. Beleza will close at 2pm on Friday 28th of June and will resume standard trading hours from Monday 8th of July.

Group Play Therapy Holiday Program:

 ...running at St Mark's if there is enough interest.

Monday 1st of July - Friday 5th of July / 9:30am-10:30am

St Mark's PS Dingley - if there are 4 or more interested families.

Also being run at: Balwyn North Clinic and Malvern East clinics

$850 for the 5 x 1 hour sessions / maximum of 6 children in each group

We are offering an intensive group play therapy program for children and an intensive group play therapy program for families (parent-child pairs). Based on Integrative Play Therapy approaches, our therapists facilitate tailored and unstructured therapy groups to meet the unique needs of all families attending. Each group has a maximum of 6 children, or 6 parent-child pairs, along with three therapists. 

The groups are thoughtfully designed to include children and families with a range of presenting needs and goals. This 'mix' of group members gives children and parents/carers the opportunity to experience therapeutic benefits from supported 'peer modelling' - that is, the opportunity to spend time with, and around, others who may have varying and unique strengths and difficulties. This allows children and parents to gain from time with peers and with play therapists.