Celebrating Our Student's Art Work 

What a lovely surprise during NAIDOC Week to have Madison give St Helena's a gift of a painting that she had been working on. She has also written the story behind the painting that we share below. Thank you Madison!

St Helena's is a meeting place where we learn.

We have been welcomed here, this beautiful place which we have been filled with life and the love of God.

St Helena's Catholic Primary School places Jesus Christ at its centre.

I am proud to be a part of St Helena's community where my culture is welcomed.

Madison - Year 5


Our staff look awesome in their new staff shirt which contains the art work created by Donald, Year 6 student from the Class of 2023. Thank you Donald for allowing us to use your painting design in our staff shirt and in other places around St Helena's. 


We are very proud of our Aboriginal students who are proud to share their talents and understanding of their traditions and stories. Our emerging leaders!