Big Science Competition results
In May, we held the Big Science Competition with over 100 students in Years 7 to 10 participating. The Big Science competition is a 50-minute, multiple-choice competition that focuses on how students can use their science knowledge and critical thinking skills to solve problems.
The results are in and EDSC performed exceptionally well across all strands in all year levels, exceeding state and country benchmarks.
We congratulate all students who participated in the Competition and wish to acknowledge these students who achieved a High Distinction.
Year 7
Joy 7N
Vihaan 7C
Avyaan 7C
Theviru 7J
Corey 7M
Year 8
Alvin 8C
Shi-Han 8C
Year 9
Tristan 9J
Year 10
Ahmad 10M
Students will receive their certificates in their Science classes. For interested students, we are currently accepting expressions of interest for the ICAS Science Competition. Please see Compass News Feed for details.
Sally Polidano
Leading Teacher Science/STEM
Chemistry Practical Investigations
During the second half of Term 2, Year 12 Chemistry students demonstrated key science skills through a student-designed investigation. Students worked in groups of 2-3 to develop aims, formulate hypotheses, plan, and conduct an investigation. Questions that students chose to investigate included: 'How does increasing the surface area of Alka-Seltzer tablets affect the rate in which it dissolves in water?' and 'Will processed foods produce more heat energy than unprocessed foods?' A big thank you to our laboratory technicians, Nga and Karyn, for preparing the various practical experiments.
Evelyn Xu
Learning Specialist STEM